Part 40

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The class of genin were split up into different seats. Yato sat between two guys from the land of lightning and the land of mist. 

"All right, now that you are here...we can begin" The man with many scars said as suddenly the doors flew open as a bunch of chunin ranked ninja's walked in, even jonin. Papers were placed in front of each of them before the ninja's took seats at the side of the students. 

"I am Ibiki the proctor of this exam. This is the first part of the chunin exam.  A written test consisting of all the things you should know by now. There is only one rule...If you get caught cheating then you immediately fail and so does the rest of your squad. These ninja's next to you will be making sure of begin" 

Yato slowly looked down and the first question. Immediately his face turned white. The question was: If you threw a kunai at a 45 degree angle with a wind propelling of 12 kilometers from the north west side, how far will the kunai travel before it lands if your standing in the south eastern direction? 

 Yato looked at the paper like it was his arch enemy. He looked up for a few seconds until he noticed someone writing already. "That guy must be smart"

"Your out, get your team and leave" One of the ninja's said as a kunai suddenly whooshed pass Yato's face, landing in front of the genin next to Yato. A bit of Yato's hair slowly floated onto the table. 

As the genin stood up, Yato grabbed the kunai and threw it back at the ninja. It nearly struck his ear. "Thanks" The man said calmly, pulling the kunai out the wall. 

"Bastard" Yato said under his breath


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