Part 8

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*6 Years later* 

Currently Yato and Sasuke have lived together for a few years. The two boys have grown accustomed to each other's ways. 

"YATO!!!!! WHERE DID YOU PLACE MY TEXT BOOKS!!!" Sasuke yelled from the living room. "Oh remember the bonfire we had yesterday in the forest? Yeah, the fire was started with our books" Yato said with a large grin on his face. 

Sasuke looked at Yato with the worst glare he had and Yato seemingly returned it. The two were left in a stare off. "Those books weren't our's they were the academy's" Sasuke said, not diverting his gaze. "Well then they should not of made them such good fire starters" Yato said with his grin not changing. 

The two's stare off was suddenly broken when the alarm clock in the bedroom went off, signalling they only had 5 minutes left. "Fine, we'll just get new books but we cant be late this year's start too" Sasuke said as he threw his bag over his shoulder. All that was inside was Yato and Sasuke's lunches but oh well. 

"Last one there makes dinner tonight" Sasuke said before suddenly jumping through the window "HAY THAT IS MY JOB!" Yato yelled as he jumped through another window so he could 'even it out'.

The two boy's raced to class via the roof tops. As they rushed into the class room, Sasuke was barely a hair in front of Yato. "I win" Sasuke said playfully. 

Yato looked over the class room and saw that no one was there. "Where is everyone?" The boy asked as he took a seat at the back of the class. "Oh about that, i set your alarm about half an hour earlier. So we are half an hour early." Sasuke said to Yato causing the boy wanting to punch his friend. 

The door suddenly opened with Kiba entering the room. Yato and Sasuke dropped there playfulness right there. No one needed to see that because if they did then people wanted to become 'friends'. Yato shivered at the thought of having any of these classmates be close to him. Everyone was just so annoying. Especially all the girls, there scream's and face's have been permanently scratched into his brain. 

Well there was one person who Yato could at least handle. It was Shikamaru, the only reason is that he always stayed quiet. 

Yato looked down seeing Sasuke was holding a paper not towards him, Yato took it and slowly opened it. 

I wan't tomato rice balls tonight


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