Part 107

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It's early in the morning with the sun slowly rising over the Kage mountain. It's been around a week since Yato and his group returned to the leaf village. The boy has mostly been sleeping in the nearby forest while Hikio on the other hand has been causing chaos across the entire village. 

"TSUNADE YOU TRAMP!" Hikio shouted as the blond came around the corner. Sakura followed close behind her. "Umm lady Tsunade, who is this?" Sakura asked, fear in her voice. "If it isn't Hikio" Tsunade said with a smirk. 

The narrow halls in the hokage tower was way too small for a fight so to both the women dismay, they had to call their fight for another day. " D-D-Daugthsga-"

"Daughter in law" Hikio finished helping the struggling woman. "Unfortunately, I though you were dead but here you are" Tsunade said slowly walking to Hikio. "Oh you know Tsunade, you wont be getting rid of me that easily" Hikio said glaring into Tsunade's eyes. 

"It's a shame really, well maybe disappearing was what you needed? I know your ashamed for loosing in our last fight" 
"I did not loose you tramp, you used an underhanded trick by using your summoning slug things. You know, they might be slimy and sorta ugly but at least they look better than you" Hikio said back as the two suddenly slammed their foreheads together, never loosing eye contact. 

"Oh really? Well my slugs are at least useful" 
"Enough you two, your going to give me a headache" Raiu said finally coming out of his office and seeing the two women about to get into a fight. 

"Sorry about that Raiu, I just need to put this whore in her place" Tsunade said letting up her glare to look over to Raiu. "Whore? Well now you have done it!" Hikio shouted sending a chakra infused punch to Tsunade, suddenly a sonic boom resonated through the halls as Raiu instantly appeared between the two, grabbing Hikio's punch. 

"You two are not allowed to fight, do you understand me?" Raiu said glaring at both the women. "Don't look at me, she started it" Hikio said as she childishly turned her back on Tsunade. 

"Whore" Tsunade said turning her back on Hikio as well. "Enough, Tsu, you have a student and i'm sure Hikio has one so why don't you let them decide with a fight?" Raiu suggested, just wanting to get this over with so he can go back to work. 

"You going to get destroyed Tsunade" Hikio shouted walking away in the other direction. "Your wrong, your the one who will eat dirt!" Tsunade said grabbing Sakura as she walked away. "Oh Tsunade" 

The woman quickly turned around seeing Hikio having a mischievous smile. Suddenly Hikio grabbed Raiu by his collar, bringing him down to her height before starting a strong and powerful make out session right in the hallway. "IT'S WAR HIKIO HYUGA!" 

--------------------2 hours later-----------------

"Come on Yato can't we maybe go explore the village?" Karin asked poking Yato awake. "Go if you want" Yato said lazily turning to his side. "But I want to go with you" Karin said shaking the boy slightly. "Leave him, the boy has been busy all night" Dai said playing with the camp fire. "With what?" 

"He's been busy with training mostly. You know, perfecting his jutsu's and such." 
"You should not be playing with that fire Dai, you might catch alight" Itachi said carrying a bundle of sticks. 

"Heh like I would catch on fire by some m- WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" Dai's small ball like tail was suddenly caught on fire causing the creature to run around frantically. With a loud sigh Karin took a water bottle and dumped it's contents over Dai. 

"Seriously how stupid can you be" Karin asked with a sigh. "Hay watch it or else you'll find me in your covers toni-" Itachi suddenly kicked Dai lightly so he goes flying into a tree. "Thanks Itachi" 

"No problem, I actually need to talk to Yato when he wakes up. I can't be living out here forever you know" Itachi said before throwing his bundle of sticks into the fire. "KARIN I NEED YOU!" Hikio shouted from the forest as her stomps sounded louder than a giants. Before the girl could realize what was happening, Hikio whisked her away only leaving a trail of dust to show they were there. 

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