Chapter 14

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"Morning," I mumbled to Aster and Evangeline as I walked downstairs and headed straight towards the coffee pot.

"It's 12:30..." Aster trailed off, which I had just ignored as I didn't sleep the best last night. Heading over to the kitchen table, I sat down sitting next to Evangeline and across from Aster. After last night we all slept at the warehouse since Coinston was going to be on us and I got a ride home from Tucker around nine o'clock this morning.

"So how was the race?" Evangeline asked as she tapped her acrylic nails against the coffee mug she had in her hand. "Besides the shooting at cops? Oh yeah, it was fantastic." I responded sarcastically.

"Wait a minute.." Aster shot up from his seat and walked over to me, pushing my hair back from my neck "Is that a hickey!?" I quickly covered my neck with my hand as I had completely forgotten about the hickey from Pierce last night.

"'s a curling iron burn."

"Aspen Seraphina do not lie to me! Do not tell me that's from who I think it is!" Aster shouted, his fist was clutched and the vein in his forehead started to pop up to the surface of his skin while his face started to turn red.

Biting my lip out of nervousness, I looked up at him and gave him a half-smile in order to not answer the question out loud to admit that the hickey was indeed from Pierce.

"Are you fucking serious!?" Aster exclaimed "What the hell were you doing with him!? I agreed to him to watch over you, not to suck the soul out of your neck-"

"Aster calm down, Aspen is seventeen she can make her own decisions." Evangeline interrupted Aster's shouting and before he could say anything else the door swung open with the words of "Hello Ambrosia's!" being yelled.

Triston walked in with a hoodie and leggings on, an outfit I had never seen her in as it was always the gang's uniform. "Hey." I stood up from my seat and grabbed my sweatshirt that was thrown onto one chair.

"Where are you going?" Aster asked, still mad from the whole hickey thing. "It's Juniper and Gunner's birthday party today, we have to go find some dress's," I explained as I threw my sweatshirt on over my head.

"Oh try the new store at the mall, they had some really cute ones on display." Evangeline chirped while Aster went over and over with the rules for me going.

Apparently being on the Police watch list is a lot harder than it sounds...

I waved Aster off as I knew everything that he was already saying and soon followed Triston outside to her car. As I let the door swing behind me I saw Pierce's challenger sitting right in front of the sidewalk in front of the house.

"Why is Pierce here?" Triston cocked an eyebrow at me. "Because he's my 'bodyguard', I'll be right there," I said to ger as I walked up towards Pierce's car.

He rolled down the passenger seat car window and I leaned slightly into the opening of the window "What are you doing here Pierce?" I asked blatantly not wanting to play one of Pierce's games today.

"Wow, jeez no happy birthday?" He sent me a wide-eye look. "Happy Birthday." I rolled my eyes in response to Pierce.

"What'd you get me?"

"Who said I got you anything?" I raised an eyebrow at him "Do I not need to remind you almost strangling and killing me to death? Your birthday present was letting you pretend fuck me in the Alleyway."

"Pretend? How about I get the real thing for my birthday?" He sent me a million dollar smirk followed by a wink. "You wish," I smirked back at him and flipped him off.

"Where are you going with Triston? I have a bunch of shit today and can't play babysitter so can you please just not do anything fucking stupid?" Pierce warned as he put his foot on the break and put the car in drive.

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