"Michael, you should just stop, you don't have a chance because I- DON'T- LIKE- YOU-." Olivia sassed, pausing after each word near the end for dramatic effect. Michael continued to flirt with Olivia, and she continued to try to get the boys to leave her alone. By this point you had figured out that Michael was only doing it for a bit for Thomas, but even still you were outraged. You were jealous too, not that you would ever admit it. You pulled yourself out of the pool, and dried off before trudging inside to find Alex, and to put your plan of revenge into place. You walked up to Alex's door and knocked a few times before waiting for an answer. After a moment, Alex opened the door. 

"Hey y/n, what's up?" Alex asked you curiously. 

"I just have a question." You answered innocently. 

"Yeah sure, shoot." Alex continued, now curious as to what you were going to ask him.

"I was just wondering if you needed some content for your vlog this week?" You asked smiling. 

"Ummm," He pondered for a second scratching the back of his head, "I mean I'm not entirely sure, but I'll never turn down free content, what do you have in mind?" He asked with a slightly evil grin. You grinned back at him, matching the energy he was producing. 

"Just get your camera and follow me." You told him winking, then turning and started to walk away. Alex grabbed his camera in a hurry and started to follow you filming it all, not wanting to miss any possible content for the vlog. You led him up to Taylor's room, knocking on Taylor's door. 

"Howdy lil' mama, and big daddy," He said faking a cowboy accent while addressing you and Alex, "What can I do for y'all?" He asked. You chuckled before grabbing his hand without an explanation and dragging him up to the deck where you hoped Thomas, Michael and Olivia were still sitting. While climbing the stairs, Taylor tried to ask Alex what was happening, but Alex just kept laughing and saying he didn't know either and that we should just go along with it because it could be good content. The three of you reached the sliding door, to find Michael and the others sitting there just as you'd hoped. 

"Hey guys!" Thomas greeted you as the three of you walked out of the house. Taylor and Alex said a 'hey' and 'hi' back, but you just ignored him and drug Taylor so he was sitting on the side edge of the pool, and you sat down next to him. Alex stood and filmed you both, confused as to what was happening. 

"Welcome back to Alex's vlog everyone," You started talking to the camera, "Today you are greeted by me and my good, extremely attractive and hot friend Taylor." You smiled, wrapping your arm around Taylor and laying your head on his shoulder. Taylor blushed at your words. "Now I know what you're all thinking, 'are Taylor and y/n dating?' No, we aren't, but imagine if we were... Imagine if I got to rub my hand up and down this muscly arm every night, knowing he would keep me safe if I was ever in danger," You turned and tilted your head up to look at Taylor, to find him looking back down at you very confused, but not protesting to this attention from you. As you looked up at him through your eyelashes you asked, "You would protect me like a big strong man wouldn't you?" He gulped a little and nodded. You smiled and pulled his face to yours, kissing him on his cheek. You pulled back seeing him blush more. You looked around to see Alex laughing and yelling to Thomas about the thumbnail and clickbait her now had, of you two kissing. Then you noticed Michael. He was sitting on the chair, fuming, as if he would blow smoke from his ears if he was pushed any further. You wanted to get to that point. To the point where he would be disheveled with jealousy. She knew exactly how to do it too. 

"Taylor, you know what else I think you could do with all your strong muscles?" You asked while stroking your finger up and down his chest teasingly. 

"Wh- What?" He asked flustered. 

"Oh, I think you could pin me down with those big strong muscles and you could just bl-" You were suddenly cut off by Michael.

Michael SanzoneWhere stories live. Discover now