Dinner Disaster

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You and Kylie spent the entire day home doing nothing but play with Stormi.

It was now dinner time and the three of you were starving but neither of you could make a proper meal without the help of Khloe or her mom or one of the cooks.

It's not that you didn't know how, it's just that something always went wrong whenever the two of you were in the kitchen.

And since you guys were on quarentine, you couldn't go out for food and Kylie refused to do delivery.

She doesn't want anyone knowing where her precious babies live.

So you were left with no other option, make something or starve.

"Stormi baby what do you want?" You asked the little toddler who was playing on Kylie's ipad.

"Sammich!" She exclaimed happily, going to the fridge and trying to reach for the jelly jar.

You lifted her up and helped her take it out before looking for the peanut butter and making her a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Kylie took out her sippy cup and poured some orange juice in it before placing them at the table.

Stormi may have been content with her breakfast for dinner but you nor Kylie would be full from one sandwich. Plus, you hated peanut putter.

That shit was the ghetto as far as you were concerned.

"OOHHH look, babe, lets make pizza!" You exclaimed but she shut the idea down completly, asking if you wanted to die from food poisioning.

It wouldn't have killed you guys to try and make it but I guess there's another time.

She took out some carrots and started peeling them, asking you to chop them up.

You were going good until one of them slipped out of you grasp, making ths knife cut your hand instead.

"Fuck!" You yelled, going to the sink to let cold water run over it.

"Fuck." Stormi repeated.

"Stormi! NO!" Kkylie said before going over to you and gasping when she saw the bleeding cut.

"I'll get a bandaid." She said, rushing to one of the downstairs bathrooms to get the first aid kit.

"Mama, you hand have a booboo?" Stormi asked, holding your leg.

You nodded and gave her a smile making her pout.

"I'll be fine munchkin." You said.

Kylie came back and cleaned up the cut before telling you to sit down.

She cleaned up the kitchen and threw away the carrots.

"Maybe we need to order some pizza." She said sadly making you giggle.

"It's otay mommy, some people like you and mama jus no cook good." Stormi said causing the two of you to gasp then laugh.

Cooking was definately not for the two of you.

-didnt proofread

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