The night is still young

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you slipped into the revealing short black dress that you had picked out a while back.

being in college never gave you the time to dress up and go to parties and those types of things, plus your boy toy friends were overprotective as fuck for some ungodly reason.

jordyn, one of you're most recent hook-ups had told you about a party that she would be at, and you decided to go.

not really to see her, to have actual fun. besides, you were looking for a real relationship with someone.

you drove to the location that she wrote down on a post-it, a few nights prior and got out the vehicle.

it was hard to tell which house the party was at, seeing as everywhere in vegas was a party place, but you went up to a house regardless.

"hey im here for the party." you said.

a brown haired woman opened the door, she had on party clothes but from what you could see, the inside of her house was lacking people, defeating the whole idea of a party

"oh, the party's next door, i was just going there anyways. wait for me." she said, going inside, probably for her phone.

normally, strangers didn't wait for each other by their houses. normally, strangers don't even be nice to each other. this girl was different tho, you just couldn't tell how.

she came out shortly after and held your hand, pulling you to the other house where the music was indeed coming from.

"im kylie by the way." she said as you both walked into the house.

"y/n." you replied, looking around for jordyn.

kylie had left you to talk to some of her friends and you were still alone, on your tenth vodka shot.

you werent one to drink much, but the fact that jordyn might have bullshitted you and wasn't actually here made you angry.

not angry because you wanted to see her, angry because that wasn't a genuine thing to do, she could've said something.

"y/nnnnnnnn." kylie called through the crowd. you faintly heard her voice and got up, stumbling over some feet of random people who didnt seem to care.

or who were too drung or high to even notice.

when you saw the girl in the rose gold body con dress, you practically ran into her arms.

if you were sober it would've been a different move but she looked really pretty to you.

"girl, are you drunk already?" she asked. you didn't answer, feeling yourself above the clouds and too out of it to even think of a response.

suddenly, you felt yourself being tugged out of the building and onto the busy streets of vegas.

it was kylie besides you so you werent actively worried but you were confused as to where you were going.

"here, drink this coke, we can explore the city when you arent drunk." she stated, holding the bottle up to your lips. you sipped it, the drink feeling slighlty refreshing.

it was all weird to you, why did kylie help you out? the two of you didn't know each other at all.

maybe she was just one of those nice people.

two hours later, you and kylie had already won 50k at a casino, and you knew the stakes were higher and if you lost you would loose eveything so she pulled you out, laughing as people yelled at the both of you.

"that was fun!' you laughed, running down the streests, with the girl in the rose gold dress following.

" i know right!" she said, catching up to you.

the two of you walked around the city some more, going into random bars for drinks, you even got away without paying for the cocktail that was currently in your hand.

you two had sat down at a bench, the wind blowing slightly. people walked past both of you in groups, or alone.

music could be heard from the casino and other bars and clubs near-by.

it wasn't peaceful, but at the same time it was.

"so..the money? fifty fifty?" she asked, probably trying to break the silence between the two of you.

you shrugged and looked at her. had you not noticed how stunning she was before? the lights that illuminated off of different signs and buildings made her face glow. she truly looked like a work of art, sent down from heaven.

"somethin' on my face?" she asked, pulling out her phone, but you stopped her and just looked at her.

you leaned in and kissed her, catching kylie by surprise but she kissed back after a couple of seconds, making butterlies errupt in your stomach when the two of you pulled away, neither of you would make eye contact.

"so, how about we try our luck at that casino there?" you nervously asked, pointing to the buiding with a blue and purple casino sign.

"i dont see why not, the night is still young, and so are we." she said, kissing you again then pulling you into the next building.

and thats the tea or wtv

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