night shift 1/2

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Working at the Four Seasons was an amazing job despite being at reception.

For one, the hotel was nice, as were most of the guests and you got to see tons of celebrities and people in general.

Most of the time, you worked the afternoon shift alongside Tony, the most annoying friend you could ever ask for.

Tony was two years older than you, and he acted six.

He A L W A Y S tried to get you to hook up with some hot chick, he always wanted to go on some crazy adventure but you had lots of fun with him.

You broke into the kitchen after hours, went in the pool when the hotel was closed and he was an amazing person to listen to you ramble on about your crushes.

Tonight was one of those nights where you rambled about your latest crushes, Kylie Jenner.

You were on instagram, seeing she just posted a story that she was in New York. You were in New york! maybe you guys would even see her!

"Girl, I'm telling you, youre obsessed!" he laughed and took away your phone.

Just then the hotel door opened and you nearly passed out.

She was in here?! KYLIE JENNER? At the hotel you work at? She was coming in your direction, you had to talk to her?

Snapping out of your star struck gaze you masked over your happiness with a professional look.

"Goodnight." you said politely.

Once she booked a room, you had to go behind to get her a key to the room she asked for.

You left her and Tony infront, hoping and praying he wouldnt say anything stupid to her.

She was your only customer for the night after all.

When you came back out, the two of them were laughing at something, making you jealous.

But why? He was just laughing with a customer. Just a customer.

You placed the key on the marble counter, pushing it towards her, smiling.

"Anything else for you?" You asked her as you typed away to add up her bill.

You expected her to say no then walk away and yu could continue your rant but she looked at you, smirking. "Yes."

"Okay then, what is it?" You asked her. Her smirk got even bigger and Tony had now dissappeared.

"A kiss."

What? She wants a kiss? Maybe she's just drunk, you thought to yourself.

"Maam I can-"

She cut you off, pressing her lips on yours.

You kissed her back and before you knew it you were at the room 203, the one she had asked for.

She led you inside and closed the door, your phone making a ping noise.

Tony: i'll cover your shift ;)

You turned off the phone and stood awkwardly in the middle of the floor. She looked at you and laughed, making your heart flutter.

You could listen to that laugh forever.

"Let's watch Fifty Shades Darker babe." she said, sitting on the couch, pulling you down with her.

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