broken promises

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you sat at the table with stormi, the two of you waiting on kylie to get home

the girl really couldn't do anything for anyone other than herself

you didnt know why you and your kid had to beg to be chosen

amd you didnt know why she made promises with zero intentions of following through with them

"storm we should go to sleep." you said getting up

you knew stormi was upset, the expression on her face made that clear

and since kylie left around four this morning, her daughter didn't see her all day

thankfully stormi didnt just lie and pretend to be unbothered, that would hurt me as a mother even more

kylie was probably cheating, if she didnt have a whole other family on the side that was

you loved her but wouldnt put it past her

especially since these last few weeks have been nothing but lies and fights over shit that didnt even make sense

stormi didnt get up, she just put her head down on the table

"do you miss momma?"

she nodded and you could see that she would soon start to cry if you didn't distract her

"let's read a book so long then baby." you told the three year old

she got up, looking at the front door but she didn't put out her hands to it like most nights

you really wished kylie would change, for her daughter atleast

the pain that her actions were causing was alot to deal with

and shes not even working for christs sake

so you really had no idea where the fuck your girlfriend was

mraning you didnt know what hr fuck to tell stormi, your friends or either of your parents

just as you and stormi were about to go upstaits, the front door opened

"hi stormi!" she said as if she didnt just go missing in action

stormi ran to her mother, crying and you walked away

you did not want to be a part of whatever that was going to be

kylie promising to be there for stormi, then going against her word

she does it to you but why to a child

around twenty minutes had passed and kylie came into the room you both shared

"i was putting her to sleep." she said softly, laying down next to you

you hummed and continued looking at your phone

"baby.." she said kissing your face

"kylie." you pushed her away from your face

she sighed and laid her head on your shoulder


she looked at you in confusion

"why what baby?"she asked you

"why do you keep doing this."

you looked away from her, trying to keep your emotions at bay but you faced her again

she looked away from you

"why do you keep hurting us?" the tears filled up in your eyes but you didnt want them to fall

you couldnt let them because then she would 'feel bad' and you would be mad at yourself for making her sad

"i'm sorry y/n."

you wanted to say that it was okay, because there was nothing you could do about it

she wasnt going to change for you, neither of you

"you said that on thursday?" you rolled your eyes

"i'm ser-

"i'm tired kylie, just whatever."you turned on your side and fell asleep

maybe you and stormi should be the ones to abandon her, but she wouldnt care anyways

she doesnt care about the damages of broken promises

she would if the tables turned tho, and oh they will

*didnt proofread*

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