School Project 2/2

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"Okay, we're done, wanna do anything fun?" She asked. I thought I saw her smirk at me, but it was probably my imagination.

My mouth became dry and I stuttered, unable to get any words out.

"You're so cute." She giggled, sitting next to me.

I blushed slightly and looked down.

Not someone like her calling someone like me cute.  It was a usual thing for the two of us, to flirt all the time, but this time it felt different . To me it did.

The rest of the night we watched a movie. I don't know the name but it was boring as hell. She seemed to enjoy it so I don't mind.

I looked at my phone, seeing that it was getting undeniably late, especially for a school night.

Okay, not really, but it was still late.

I squirmed out from under the covers and grabbed my stuff. She looked at me, questioning me silently.

"I-um, I should go home." I said softly, looking anywhere but at her.

"Stayyy." She whined.

I sighed and rolled my eyes playfully. "Fine." I mumbled, laying back on the bed.

She scooted closer room me, until her head was on my shoulder then payed attention to the movie playing before us.

After a while I was starting to get hungry so I went downstairs for a snack.

"What's the matter hun?" Kris asked when she saw me enter the kitchen.

"Snackss." I drawled out.

Kris and I had an amazing relationship, I was always like a daughter to her.

She hummed and nodded, leaving me to get our snacks.

I ended up getting some candy that I found, two cherry cokes and a bag of popcorn before walking all the way to her room successfully having all the snacks in my hands.

"Yayyy coke!" She exclaimed, pulling it out from between my fingers then jumping back onto the bed. I sat besides her and watched as she ate and laughed everytime a funny part came on.

It brought a smile to my face just knowing she was enjoying herself.

"Stop watching me you creep!" She exclaimed, throwing some skittles at me.

I gasped and threw popcorn at her, making her yelp.

We went on for a while until she threw a popcorn at my face, making it hit my eye.

I squinted and pouted.

"Oh no, im sorryyyyy." She said, taking my face in her hands, looking at my eye which was watering slightly.

I smiled to myself, and reached out for the half empty can of coke, grabbing it then raising my hand over her head, so I could pour it on her.

She looked up and then at me, then at my lips.

I looked at her, the gaze getting even more intense with every passing second.

It all happened so quickly, yet slowly at the same time. We both leaned in and before I could process it, our lips were pressed against each other.

She tasted like the skittles which she had just been eating and her lips felt like heaven.

After a while, we both pulled away, resting our foreheads together.

"That was amazing." I whispered. She just pulled me in for another kiss.

𝐊𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now