5th anniversary

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Tw!: mentions of death

thank you FlashRider9 for this imagine idea

Kylie woke up today feeling worse than she normally did.

She didn't even want to get up but she knew she had to do it, for you, for her daughter too but especially for you.

You would've told her to move on and she knew that but she still couldn't bring herself to do it. Its been five years and she still hasn't moved on.

She hasnt dated, kissed a single person, nothing.

The 28 year old rubbed her eyes which were already watering as she left her room to check on her five year old daughter.

There were some days Kylie didn't even want to look at Stormi, simply because she reminded her so much of you.

Still, her daughter was her favourtie person on this earth, and you were her favourite angel.

"Kylie, hey how are you feeling?" Kendall asked as she saw how dead her sister looked while she was walking into the living room where everyone seemed to be.

The other Kardashian's said nothing, probably waiting for a resopnse, seeing as most days they wouldnt even see her leave her room.

Each day was hard for everyone because even down to Kim just adored you but today was the hardest especially when Kylie looked so depressed about it.

No one expected her not to look this way tho.

"I feel the same as every day Kendall so stop." She pushed past her older sister and got some juice out the fridge that she had no intention of drinking but it was her way of saying 'get the fuck out my house' even tho no one would.

When things got really bad last year, Kris suggested that they all just live together, of course Kylie couldn't disagree tho sometimes she'd sleep at her beach houses or a hotel just to get away.

"Don't yell at her." Kris warned but Kylie rolled her eyes and put back the juice, going on her phone which was blowing up with tweets.

It reminded her so much of that night, her phone blowing up while she was home with Stormi, having fans tag her in 'rip yn' posts as she was sitting there, confused as fuck.

She still remembered the exact moment the police showed up, the second they took her to the hospital and when she saw your lifeless body. It was too much for her at the time and still is but if twitter would be her escape from reality then so be it.

It wasn't like she could actually relive any of this anyways.

Kylie got dressed, Stormi was sleeping so she'd take her to visit you later.

She drove alone up into the mountains where you were buried, a single white rose in her hands.

She still didn't know what she was going to say to you, you wouldve laughed if you saw how nervous she was and she knew it.

"I just wish you were here." she thought to herself as she stepped out the car.

She had somehow forgotten to bring a jacket, mostly because she didn't know it would be so cold and just weird today.

She walked, trying her best not to cry even tho she could, she should cry but she didn't want to.

Composure had always been key before so why not now?

Her steps began to slow and it seemed like she was barely even walking, her hands were shaking and the air felt colder that it usually did, or it did in her imagination.

She stopped at the grave and knelt besides it, kissing the rose then placing it neatly in the middle as tears started to stream down her face.

All these words were floating around in her head, she should start telling you about her day as she would normally but today was just hard, if people were watching her she would look like a dummy.

"Hi baby." was the first thing she had finally said and even then she was starting to break down into tears.

After a good fifteen minutes of her crying, basically laying on the grave she sat up, feeling like she should, atleast now, say something more than a 'hey' to you.

"W-well I miss you y/n...so so much." she was starting to cry again but she wanted to finish this.

"A-and so do my sisters.....and mom a-and Stormi she misses her mama so much. I still wish this was me...I dont know how it could've been but I wish it was. Or no one at all because i really really miss you. I need you" she rambled off as the tears began to fall faster.

"I think my sisters might visit soon, they wanted me to come first....How is it up there? Do you actually see everyone? Like do you have to wear white." she slightly laughed at herself and the weird questions that she asked even tho she could never get a response.

"Anyways, I love you baby....and I miss you, we all do."

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