Book 5: Chapter 25

Start from the beginning

"We don't have time—"

"There you go again, you're not listening," Finley scoffs, glaring at Harry. Both Potters glared at each other, both agitated at what was happening around them, it was as if there was electricity coming back and forth between the two of them that it even scared Hermione and Ron who were merely watching. "Through out the year, all we've done, all I've done was support you, encourage you to do the things we know you can do. But believing your nightmares that Voldemort might've actually fabricated to get to you, this isn't what we've worked hard for."

"Then leave! Go back to being Blythe Zabini, go back to your Slytherins, it seems like I'm the only one who cares about Sirius here!"

"That's not what I said you four eyed scar face!"

Harry stared at her for a moment, anger built up as high as the Hogwarts towers. "We'll use the floo network," Harry says running up the stairs.

Hermione and Ron looks at Finley who was glaring at her brother furiously, "Fine, be like that," she says, turning around as she walked down the stairs, her foots steps heavy and incredibly angry, leaving the three Gryffindors to do what they do best. Act recklessly.

Finley was the first one in the common room, she was pacing around back and forth, angrily thinking back on the conversation— spat, that she had with Harry. How stubborn he was, and how impractical he was starting to become, it was annoying the hell out of her to say the damn least. No one was back from the fireworks display yet, she sent an owl to Sirius but she wasn't sure when to receive it, she would've asked him via runes spell, but Sirius didn't have a wand to use to reply nor did he know how to.

She slumped back on the couch in frustration, that bald headed dark lord was taking his toll on Harry's mind, who knows what that bastard was making Harry see.

"Get to Snape."

She turns around by that sound of the voice, no one was there, she was going insane was she?

"Get to Snape now!"

"Why?" She asked, more like demanded. She knew for a long time now that that man wasn't going to help them, especially now that Umbridge was a total toad and if kisses her ass long enough he would have a chance to be the next DADA Professor.

"It's Harry! Hurry!"

"He made his choice, I don't care anymore," she growled, her heart heavy as she says so, she cares. She cares so much, but the fact that Harry was casting her aside hurt her.

"Finley!" She snaps her attention to the common room entrance, there she saw Draco panting as if he had been running for so long. The look on his face was in panic, she gotten cold.

"You were going to Dumbledore weren't you?" Umbridge softly asks, yet her face says otherwise, it was of fury. Harry along with some of the members of Dumbledore's army were captured by the woman's inquisitorial squad, he sat there squirming whilst the students who were going undercover for them were on the side wary on what the hell they were suppose to do. Blaise and Theo were on the side contemplating wether to go and hex the woman and the people who sides with her or have their families in greater risk.

Pansy who was holding on to Hermione's arm was tense as she held the Gryffindor girl, she wanted to let go of the woman remembering what had happened to them when they were suspected to be siding with them.

"Weren't you?!" The woman sneered at Harry.

Straight faced and looking defiant, he looked at the toad in the eye and said no earning a slap on the face from her. This shocked the people in the room, an educator, much more a Headmistress dare laid a hand on a student? This was one thing most students fear, the tyranny from this puny pink clothed woman was going over leaps to get what she wants, no longer was the need to learn with her.

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