CHAPTER 13: A New Future

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[please listen to the music provided to set the mood.]

[Time: Midnight. Location: Somewhere in Japan, CELL NZ.0989. Unknown Facility.]

I groan and grasp my neck as soon as I wake up, feeling some kind of stinging there, which isn't unusual. They force me to injections and surgeries every two hours, conscious or not. I've lost count.

I slowly get out of my stone cot and go to sit in the corner, in the blind spot of the cameras, grabbing at my unruly hair in anxiety as I search the cell in panic.

I don't want these Injections anymore.

I don't know where or who I am.

Yet I'm here, being experimented on like a guinea pig.

I want to get out, but these damn collars and chips shock you if you do anything that isn't authorised. I've managed to steal one the guards phones though, and managed to hack the chip in my neck and returned to phone before getting caught... dumbasses.

I have no control while on missions. That's what the chip is for, though I haven't been able to fully deactivate it, just the whole electrocuting thing... mostly. Not easy when people in this facility own the oldest phone known to man. Its fiddly but I've atleast lessened the volts going through into my body.

"Experimentee Number.NZ0989, equip your gear and prepare for departure immediately" Some random scientist echoed into the intercom a couple times, before a metal screech came out signalling the end of the broadcast.

I sigh and take out my uniform from the metal dresser in the corner of my cell, and went to the 'bathroom' to change.

My uniform was simple but it got the job done. An all black outfit with a red insignia on the arm and back. It consisted of cargo pants which had tight weapon holders on the legs and belt, a black turtleneck, a leather jacket on top with a bulletproof vest and hidden weapon holders to help me blend in better, which doesn't exactly help. They finally got rid of the stupid latex suit. Who the hell thought that was practical?

I tie back my long, dehydrated hair in a ponytail, and rub my face with my hands, exhaustion overwhelming me.

I sigh and put on my high laced combat boots and carefully tucked in my Swiss knife in my boots and connected my headpiece in my ears and clicked on the mask covering the bottom half of my face.

Staring at the mirror into my reflection, I pressed my hand onto my jaw. I wiped my eyes, tracing my fingers over the thick scar across my left eye that stretched to my hairline, I can't even see fully with this left eye, but my strongest weapon is a sniper, how funny is that.

I wish I could remember you.

But all I have is your words, and I don't know what they mean. And I have no clue who you are.

I tied my long black hair into a knot as the ponytail was starting get annoying, and the hair band snapped. Can't even give me normal hair bands.

I stand at the door of my cell with my hand out the bars, telling the guards I'm ready to go. A pair of osmium cuffs clamped tightly onto my wrists, spikes on the inside warning me not to move.

The guard pushed me, though I didn't budge.

(Get moving, Experiment.)
"двигаться, экспериментировать." The guard growled, I only nodded, and started moving toward the hangar, though something was off. He suddenly stopped in front of me, his face changing into a look of determination.

"This mission is your only chance, you will know what to do when you get the signal." He simulated a crackling sound with a wrapper, and his eyes looked softly at me.

ANOMALY: E.K | BOOK 1 OF THE ANOMALY SAGAWhere stories live. Discover now