CHAPTER 12: Mission No.42831

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[Time: Unknown. Location: Cryogenic recovery cell. Unknown facility.]

Being only recently taken out of cryofreeze does wonders for your thought process, let me tell you that.

"Huh. They removed my favourite books..."



Putting my feet on my bunker, I flick through a book that one of my previous guards gave me. How boring.

I tug at the skintight bodysuit I'm forced to wear, and return to my train of thought, I wonder where that Ascott guy-

"-Experiment. You have new mission." One of the veteran guards spoke to me, his thick russian accent interrupting my thought process, once again.

I snort, and tighten my holster on my thighs, and tug on my bulletproof vest, walking out of my cell whilst holding my arms behind me for the 'standard' handcuffs, which covered my hands and forearm completely sealed shut. The guard pushed me toward the debriefing room, which was a brightly lit room, with a long oval wood table in the middle, and at that table was my mission director with a little girl standing next to him. I was recently transferred to a facility in Russia, so this time I had a new director.

"Come here, Soldat."

Walking up to the colonel, I stood stiffly, my eyes not leaving his. His eyes turn to the small girl, who was dressed wealthily and was looking at me in curiosity. Why is a kid here?

"You have a personal request, Soldat. Please, my child. Speak your request." He gently pushes the girl toward me, who had to crane her head up to me, so I crouched on one knee. His sickly sweet tone making me want to vomit.

"I want you to kill my parents, they are bad people." She says, making me quirk my eyebrow in interest.

"Location is Serbia, Balkans. You will take the image of this girl, and perform the assassination."

The girl walks up to me, and gives me a small necklace with a cyanide mixture, a folder with her credentials and her clothing, which was a lilac, lace adorned dress that covered the neck area, and stopped at the knees, the chest and arms being a seethrough lace covering, with a complimenting pair of soft creme Mary Janes. She also had a curled horn mutation.

"I will give you more information at the Location." The girl, Natalija, tells me, her soft warm eyes gazing into my hard, tired eyes. I nod in response, and bow my head in respect.

"Do not fail." He spits, leaving me alone with the girl to get into my disguise.


"I'm in." I mutter, the itch to kill enveloping my senses before the family butler, who helped with the preparations for this particular assassination, reminded me of my task.

"Welcome home, Young mistress. Your parents are waiting for you in the living room." He prompted me, his dressed arm letting mine hold onto it, as he leads me into the main room, where her parents were waiting.

"Natalija, what took you so long?" Her mother sternly ordered, glaring at me.

"Sorry mama, I was at the Academy." I quickly reply, bowing and clutching the girl's bag against my shoulder.

"No excuses. Go get me and your father tea, now." She ordered again, and I obey and go to the kitchen and prepare the tea, putting a couple drops of the poison in it and watching the mixture blend seamlessly into the tea.

'Shouldn't this be the butler's job? Poor girl.'

I put three cups all on the tray, and bring it to the living room where they were sat, and sit across from them after passing the Chinese porcelain cups.

I smile and watch them sip the tea, and I down the cup in one shot, knowingly full well the poison wouldn't affect me.

First, the privileged Father.

"What-WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! YOU DEMON!" He screams, the sounds of his choking and vomiting being music to my ears.

And runner up... drum roll please~

"P-PLEASE!" I listen to them, turning on my ear piece to let my superiors listen.


"You're not, and that's okay." I smile, standing up, walking towards them and removing their rings from their hands before leaning forward between them.

"Because you will suffer even more in the afterlife."

"W-Wha-" She starts stuttering uncontrollably as her body shook, and I buckle over in maniacal laughter.

"And I am sad to say that I'm not your daughter."

"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!" The other starts screeching, making me sigh in annoyance and I put a finger to my lips, turning off my earpiece.


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