CHAPTER 18: An 'Average' Day.

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(long chapter ahead! feel free to skip it, but this does include lore. I would personally skip it just because of the length.)
[4:55am, Thursday Morning. Location: KYOTO Apartments, 12th Floor, 1281R.]

A warm golden sunrise peaked its way into the large, spacious apartment. Everything was tidy, and set in an orderly fashion, if you didn't acknowledge last nights clothes on the ground next to the bed. The bed in mention, was a low tatami futon bed with a clean white duvet laying comfortably on the owner who's soft breaths were barely audible, and several fluffy pillows scattered around the bed.

Being on the twelfth floor, the high ceiling apartment gave a serene, calm aura, with the very obvious notion of the owner being wealthy. With a constant smell of roasted coffee and expensive cologne, even the most uncomfortable guest would relax into the atmosphere.

The sudden ringing of an alarm blared in said apartment, the duvet moving and scrunching up into a ball and a exhausted voice muffled from underneath.

"Grrngh..." Ryū groaned, tucking themselves further into the warmth of their bed, growing increasingly more agitated by the alarm.

"H.O.L.D.E.N..." They mumbled, their head peaking out of the duvet, though their eyes were still shut tight.

"I've already turned off the alarm, Ryū-san." The AI's voice spoke calmly through the apartment, making them even more fatigued.

"Mmm..." Groaning, they rubbed their face back into the pillow, and somewhat willed them self to actually wake up.

Ryū threw the duvet off their cold body, and slowly got up whilst murmuring obscenities under their breath. They barely opened their eyes to grab a pair of sweatpants and a long red cardigan, and quickly realising that they didn't grab the ripped jeans and black dress shirt from last night.

"Enable the Maiasa procedure, please."

"Right away, sir." The AI responded, and the sound of rock music with the shower turning on reminded the yakuza of their tasks for the day.

This was one of the rare days where Ryū was actually able to sleep without any nightmares, so much that Ryū even debated to take the day off to relax, but they knew they couldn't even do that. Cant exactly cancel a flight that's 16 hours long.

They made their way to the shower, begrudgingly stripped off their clothes and slinked their way into the warm shower. Gently massaging their hair with a vanilla shampoo and then lathered their hair with a manuka honey conditioner, cleansing their body with an expensive body wash and then rinsed their hair.

"I just wanted to sleep..." They groaned to themselves, stepping out and drying their body, putting on undergarments and slipping on the black dress shirt and pulled on the ripped jeans, jumping to squeeze into them, before hearing a loud rip.

"..." Ryū stared at their jeans, which has ripped all the way from the inner thigh to the knee.

"You've gotta be fuckin' kiddin' me..." They muttered, waddling out of the bathroom to grab a new pair of jeans. Again, they slipped on a pair of black leather pants but whilst they were reaching down, the seams on the shoulder of their shirt ripped.


"I'll make sure to contact the company to make custom fitted clothes, sir. I have already submitted a complaint."

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