CHAPTER 10: Mission No.1499

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[Time: 19:22pm. Location: Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A. Detroit Law Firm.]

NZ.0989 stepped into a cramped elevator wearing a casual outfit, consisting of a generic black hoodie with a popular hero on it, blue jeans and combat boots with a duffel bag.

They quietly surveyed the elevator, and pressed the button to the top floor, fiddling with the rings on their hands.

Shuffling around uncomfortably, they brought a hand to their neck and did a circle motion, their eyes zoning onto the target.

"Yes, Mildred, I'm now coming up, is the client there?" A woman whisper-yelled into her phone, to which they recorded into their earpiece and bid their time.

One by one, people left the elevator until two people were standing, waiting.

The woman let out a sigh as she put her phone into her prissy primp purse, and pressed the button to the top floor.

Seeing this as a chance, NZ.0989 looked at the security cam and speedily hacked into them and looped the footage for a couple minutes, and then turning off their interface.

Their gloved hands slammed against the elevator, trapping the woman in the corner, who was shaking sporadically, her eyes darting between the attackers face and the deep dent in the metal, and the very obvious gun held to her forehead.

"What... what do you want?!" She yelled, clutching her bag close to her chest, her high pitched voice peaking, making them flinch.

"Where is Ukiwara located?" Their voice switched to a deep, low gravelly tone, hiding their real voice.

"Room 89F! Please, have mercy!"

Their eyebrow quirked before they grabbed the woman in a chokehold, and snapping her neck with minimum struggle.

"How weak."

They took a deep breath as their body began to change shape and appearance, gentle blonde hair styled in a sleek work bun, wearing a tight black secretary uniform as they took the appearance of the now dead woman.

An exact replica. Medium height, red pumps, busty with an average weight, and a perfect mimicry of her face.

A smirk adorned their new face, red, thick painted lips shining in the light. They grabbed the pins and ID from the dead body, stuck them onto their blazer, grabbing their earpiece and bag, before walking out of the elevator, tapping their neck twice and requested disposal.

"Loraine, Ukiwara is waiting for you!" A female voice said teasingly, notifying the experiment it was time.

"Sorry, Mildred! I'm right outside the door." Their voice easily copying the feminine voice of the victim, and letting themself into the room with the ID card, carrying a black briefcase alongside the prissy pink bag.

[pov switch]

I gently smile toward the target, placing the annoyingly pink bag on the counter, and taking out the victims phone, and moving to sit on the desk the target was waiting at, placing the briefcase under the desk.

"Alright, what can I do for you, Ukiwara?"

He smiled fondly at me, before pushing a stack of documents toward me, his eyes drifting to my bust that was very visible, my eyes twitching.

ANOMALY: E.K | BOOK 1 OF THE ANOMALY SAGAWhere stories live. Discover now