CHAPTER 29: Goverment-Mandated Therapy.

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[Time: 6:40pm. Location: Goverment Mandated Facility, Therapy consultant, Osaka. The day after CH28.]

"So, Ryū. How have your nightmares been? Any improvement since our last chat?"

Ryū sat comfortably on the opposite sofa, doing pen tricks with their right hand nonchalantly as they thought about an answer.

"They're... less frequent." They said with some hesitation, unsure if it was the truth. They couldn't tell anymore. Maybe they couldn't fall asleep enough so it seemed less frequent, or they were getting lucky.

"And the intensity?"

Ryū let out a dry laugh of irony, shaking their head almost immediately.

"Come on, Doc. We both know the answer." Their tone was laced with venom, even stopping their pen tricks to stare at her.

The therapist remained silent, writing something down in her journal.

"The good thing is that they aren't frequent." She paused, "But it is worrying that they are becoming progressively worse and not improving." Ryū rolled their eyes.

"But your ego is as bad as ever."

"Oh, get off my back. That break is doing me whole lot of good, I've even stopped smoking as often. My mental and physical health is better than before." Ryū dodged the subject, white and red eyes looking outside, observing the couples enjoying the autumn weather.

"That's good to hear. Have you been doing the task list I gave you?"

Ryū sighed, looking down at the floor.

"Ryū, you need to do it. As much as I want to help, this service won't last forever. At least it'll stop the government from getting on your back if you do it." She tried to sympathise, only getting a raised eyebrow in reply.

"Listen, either I can write up that you were uncooperative and not having progress, or you can tell me what's on your mind."

"Okay, now that's just a low blow, Doc. I've... done some of the task list."

"Such as?"

"Doing self care and not neglecting my health?"

She only sighed. Ryū let out a small apology as she put her journal away and pulling out her phone to mark the next appointment.

"At least you're making some progress. You know I can't prescribe any stronger medication for your nightmares. All I can offer is these appointments to talk it out, but you never do."

They sat there in silence. Ryū knew she was right, but they'd rather forget than relive those moments of the past.

"Well then, I wish you well Ryū. Happy early birthday, and I'll see you next month. Call me if the nightmares get worse."

wordcount: 428

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