The four champions and our dates waltzed around the room. Luckily the extra dance lessons payed off. I admit I wasn't great but at least I was on time. When I did the lift Lia let out a soft giggle

"Enjoying yourself?" I ask


We continued to waltz and eventually Dumbledore and Professor Mcgonagle joined us. Students pair by pair also came in matching our movements. I'm the end the schools were in harmony

Song after song continued to play while me and Ophelia continued to dance. We talked about many things including me mentioning she looks amazing every couple of minutes. Soon after we both got a little tired and decided to get a quick drink and check up on Ron. We'd seen him sitting down with Padma Patil. His face truly expressed his boredom

Ophelia POV

Currently we're getting some drinks then heading over to join Ron. We were giving ourselves a break from dancing but Harry promised he'd let me have another waltz later on

"Hey Ron, Padma" I greeted walking over to the two

"Hello Ophelia" She replied "You look beautiful"

"Why thank you" I smiled "You look gorgeous as well" It was true. She was wearing a traditional dress from her culture and it looked cute

"You okay Ron?" Harry asked

"Yeah" He mumbled. I saw him sneak a quick glance across the room. Being the nosy person I am, I turned to find him looking at Hermione and Krum

"Someones jealous" I sang under my breath

"Shut it Ophelia" Ron snapped. I looked at him with a frown on my face "I heard what you just said"

"Good" I snapped "Teaches you to grow some balls next time instead of getting jealous"

He sent me a harsh glare but a Durmstrang boy came over. He offered his hand to Padma and asked her for a dance. Good for her she said yes. I gave her a quick wink as she then walked away

I stood there as the boys talked a little. Under my breath I was humming to myself the tune of the first dance whilst swaying and drinking the punch. Inside I could tell someone spiked it and I knew a pair of lads who were more likely guilty

After a couple more minutes Hermione came over with Krum

"Hey guys" She smiled "You lot know Victor"

"Pleasure to properly meet you" I said whist shaking his hand

"You az vell" He replied in his strong Bulgarian accent

"So how was it?" Hermione whispered in my ear

"How was what?"

"The dance"


We were both whispering to each other whilst the boys started talking

- - -

"Do zey alvays do this?" Krum asked them

"Yup" Harry responded "Don't try and listen in because no matter how friendly you are they will attack you"


"Give a whack around the head" Ron sighed

- - -

"You know someone was jealous" I whispered

"Who and of what?"

"Ron, of you and Krum" I pointed out

"Too bad he should've asked me sooner" She frowned

"I agree"

We finished and turned back to the boys. They were looking at us since we'd finally finished our whispering section. I moved so I stood by Harry and reached out to his ear

"Can we dance again?" I asked whispering into his ear. I looked at him with pleading puppy eyes

He smiled "Come on then" A huge grin broke out on my face as I grabbed his hand and he lead me out to the floor

"Bye guys" I called out over my shoulders

"Have fun" Hermione laughed sending a wink

We went onto the floor. There was currently a really slow song playing so I wrapped my arms around his neck and him around waist. The both of us swayed for what seemed like ages. We both were looking into each other's eyes. His emerald green into my brown and grey

"I love the colour of your eyes" I softly whispered


"Yeah they remind me of a forest. One that holds mysteries and opens to a whole new world" I smiled "It makes me feel happy inside but like different to a usual feeling of happiness I don't know how to explain it"

"Don't worry I know exactly what you mean"

"You do?"


"Tell me then"

"Let me show you" With that he closed the distance and leaned in

I closed my eyes shortly after feeling his lips brush mine

Ophelia || Harry PotterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora