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"The Story of a Lonely Cat"

During a very modern world, when animals could talk and they could talk to humans there was a cat named "Mining" which was a male cat.

He was shy and did not speak much so the othe cat thought that he had a disability like dumb.

Mining has no friends at their school so he is always lonely.

He is sad because he sees his other classmate with a friend.

Sometimes he socializes with them but his other classmate ignores him.

In other words, his classmates avoid him because they do not want to talk to him and be his friend.

He wonders to himself why they ignore it and they didn't become one of their friend.

Until one day, Mining came to their school again to study.

And there he was stopped by about three oppressive cats, and those were his male classmates who were so big that he was tortured there.

They hit Mining mercilessly.

His teacher saw this so they went to the Guidance Office.

"Why are you fighting Mining," said their teacher Miss Caty.

One of the bullies spoke and they lied.

"We fought him because he took our money," a liar said.

"Yes, ma'am we only did that because of his theft," said a companion.

"Ma'am and then we did that to teach him a lesson," said another of their companion.

"Is that true, Mr. Mining?," his teacher asked.

"Ma'am no. My parents told me not to do bad things to other people like stealing, so I obey my parents' orders so in other words I did not steal," Mining replied to her teacher.

"Ma'am, he is lying. He stole our money so we were miserable earlier. We have no money," said the bully.

"How can I steal your money if your wallet and locker are locked and still contain a password? How can I open the very tight and very difficult to open on your wallet and locker? So even if I steal that I still can't get any money but "I am not such that cat. Because in my mind I should not take the property of others, I should only take or move my property," said Mining.

"Can I look at your wallet for a while?," said their Guidance Counselor.

They showed their wallet.

They saw it and Mining's suspicion was true that their wallet had a password and a lock.

"Are you rich? Your wallets are beautiful. High-tech, with passwords and locks," said their Guidance Counselor.

"Yes ma'am, how can he steal their money if their wallet was so secured," said their teacher.

Their teacher just smiled at them.

Their Guidance Counselor thinks Mining will not be able to steal their money.

"I don't think Mr. Mining can steal your money. I see that what you are accusing him of is impossible, surely, you may have spent your money yesterday so it was reduced," said their Guidance Counselor.

"Did we spend yesterday guys?," said one of the oppressors.

"Yes, we spent five Fish Fillets in the canteen, I just remembered," said the another.

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