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"Rogel and the Carabao"

Once upon a time in a distant village, there was a farmer named Rogel. He was diligent and hardworking, but his life was not very prosperous. Every day, as he walked to his field, Rogel noticed the large trees and rocky path that he had to pass through to reach his farm.

One day, while he was walking, he saw a strong and sturdy water buffalo named Iska. It held onto the trees and tied stones with its large horns. Rogel was impressed by the buffalo's skill and strength, so he thought of a good plan.

"Iska," Rogel said to the water buffalo, "Let me know when there are trees that I need to cut down. I will help you attach the ropes to carry the logs to my farm."

The water buffalo nodded and continued working. In the following days, Rogel used Iska to remove the trees and large rocks from his path towards the field. With the buffalo's help, Rogel's walk became easier and faster.

Their collaboration continued on the farm. Rogel harvested more crops, and his income grew larger. Over time, Rogel's life became prosperous. He was able to buy more land and acquire various animals to assist him in his needs.

One day, while resting under a tree, Rogel said to Iska, "Thank you so much for your help, Iska. Because of you, my life has improved significantly. I have more crops and higher income. Now, I have enough to provide you with delicious grass and a comfortable home."

Rogel released Iska from the trees and stones it held onto. The water buffalo was joyful and raised its horns in gratitude. From then on, the beautiful companionship between Rogel and Iska continued in their work and throughout their lives.

Lessons learned:

1. Valuing the help of others: The story demonstrates the importance of accepting and appreciating the help of others. Through Rogel's use of his carabao, Iska, he was able to assist the carabao in fulfilling its role, which ultimately resulted in the improvement of Rogel's life as a whole.

2. Collaboration: The good relationship and collaboration between Rogel and Iska led to greater productivity and success in their daily tasks. Through their cooperation, Rogel harvested more crops, leading to a prosperous life.

3. Recognizing the value of other beings: The story highlighted the importance of recognizing the value of animals and caring for them. By providing a good home and sufficient food to Iska, Rogel showed appreciation for the carabao that helped him and resulted in positive outcomes in his life.

These lessons indicate the importance of humility, accepting help from others, and caring for animals. Through this story, we are taught that good behavior and recognizing the value of others can bring success and positive outcomes in our lives.

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