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"The Young Girl and the Louse"

Once upon a time, there was a young girl who had lice in her head. Lice are tiny insects that like to dwell and feed on blood from her scalp. Every time the young girl cried, the lice multiplied even more. As a result, the young girl became sad and lacked vitality.

One day, a clever louse suddenly emerged from the young girl's head. This louse was different from the others. Instead of staying on her head, it walked down and faced the young girl.

"Young girl," said the louse, "I see that you are sad and lacking energy. I want to help you reduce your burden."

The young girl was surprised to hear the louse speak. However, she trusted and expressed her sorrow, "Louse, this is a heavy burden. Whenever I have lice, not only do I lose my energy, but other children also laugh at me."

The louse smiled and said, "Do not worry, young girl. I am here to help you overcome these challenges."

The louse began teaching the young girl how to take care of her head. It taught her how to wash her hair thoroughly and use lice removal remedies. It also showed her the importance of a clean environment and proper hygiene.

As each day passed, the lice gradually disappeared from the young girl's head. Her courage grew, and her vitality returned. She was no longer teased by other children, and her life became happier.

The young girl thanked the louse for its help. The louse said, "Young girl, it was your determination and self-care that led to success. Never forget that even in small things, there are solutions and hope."

From then on, the young girl not only learned ways to combat lice but also shared her knowledge with other children. This story served as a lesson to everyone that in any challenge, we have the ability to overcome it through proper care and self-confidence.


The lesson of this fable is the importance of self-care and self-confidence in overcoming life's challenges.

In the story, the young girl suffered from lice in her head, which caused sadness and a lack of energy in her life. However, with the help of the clever louse, she learned methods to solve her problem. The louse also showed her that she should not be ashamed of the challenges she faced and that she should confront and address them.

The young girl demonstrated determination and effort to resolve her situation. Through caring for herself and the knowledge she gained from the louse, she managed to lessen her burden and regain vitality in her life.

The fable inspires readers not to give up in the face of challenges and problems. It highlights the value of self-care, how we cherish our bodies, minds, and emotions. By strengthening our resolve and trusting in ourselves, we can overcome obstacles and achieve success.

Therefore, the lesson of this story is self-care, self-confidence, and facing life's challenges with determination and a positive outlook.

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