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"The Fable of the Modern Fish"

Once upon a time in a deep ocean, there lived various kinds of fish. These fish were known for their excellent swimming skills and their nature of seeking beauty and freedom in the sea.

However, changes have taken place in the world of fish. They discovered the technology of submarines, underwater vessels capable of traveling beneath the water. Due to the abundance and convenience that submarines offered, many fish lost interest in swimming and instead chose to ride them for leisurely excursions.

In the deep part of the ocean, there was a group of fish composed of Clownfish, Angelfish, and Surgeonfish. They used to be imaginative explorers, traveling from one part of the ocean to another, marveling at the breathtaking sights. But the arrival of submarines brought about a change in their behavior.

One day, the group of fish gathered to discuss their thoughts. "Friends," said the Clownfish, "Have you noticed how easily we can reach different places when we ride the submarines? We no longer need to swim far and explore on our own."

The Angelfish nodded and said, "You're right, Clownfish. By using submarines, we have more opportunities to witness the magnificent natural treasures of the ocean."

However, Surgeonfish had doubts. "But what happened to our innate ability to swim? Isn't that the true joy and happiness we experienced before?" he whispered to his companions.

The group of fish pondered on Surgeonfish's words. In their contemplation, they realized that they shouldn't disregard their natural swimming ability and the happiness they felt through it.

They discussed their feelings and decision once again. In the end, the group agreed that they should not abandon their natural swimming capability. Instead, it was a blessing that they should embrace and cherish.

From that moment on, the group of fish collaborated to showcase their swimming prowess once again. They organized games and competitions to strengthen their fins and bodies. They also took advantage of opportunities to engage in meaningful journeys across the ocean.

The fish became happy once more in their swimming. Instead of choosing to ride submarines, they returned to their natural way of life, filled with freedom and exploration in the ocean. The group of fish became an inspiration to other fish that had lost confidence in their fins.

Since then, the fish were regarded as symbols of excellence and determination. Their fable served as a reminder that it is important to maintain our natural abilities and the happiness they bring. While modern technology can be helpful, it should not be used to forget the blessings we already possess.

In the end of the story, the fish continued to swim freely, discovering beautiful sights and finding true joy in their natural way of life in the ocean.

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