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"The Fable of the Modern Birds"

Once upon a time, in a vast forest, there was a group of birds who lived freely and happily. However, in the present time, there were birds who no longer wanted to fly and chose to ride airplanes instead.

This group of birds consisted of an Owl, a Sparrow, an Eagle, and a Philippine Eagle. In the past, they were brave and free, soaring through the sky, traveling from one place to another. But as time went by, changes occurred in the world of birds.

They became aware of human technologies, particularly airplane travel. They discovered that they could ride airplanes and reach faraway places faster and more conveniently. Because of this, the group of birds gradually lost interest in their own flying abilities.

One day, the group of birds gathered to discuss their thoughts. "Friends," said the Owl, "Have you noticed that it's easier for us to fly when we ride airplanes? We no longer need to exert effort or search for trees to rest on."

The Eagle nodded and said, "You're right, Owl. By flying on airplanes, our risks are reduced, and we have more time to do other things."

However, the Sparrow had doubts. "But what happened to our freedom of flight? Wasn't that the true joy and happiness we experienced before?" she whispered to her companions.

The group of birds pondered on the words spoken by the Sparrow. In their contemplation, they realized that they should not neglect their innate ability to fly and the happiness they felt through it.

They discussed their feelings and decisions once again. In the end, the group agreed that they should not abandon their natural ability to fly. Instead, it was a gift to be cherished and enriched.

From that day forward, the group of birds worked together to showcase their flying prowess once again. They organized games and competitions to strengthen their wings and bodies. They also seized opportunities to embark on meaningful journeys through the skies.

The birds once again found joy in their flights. Instead of choosing to ride airplanes, they returned to their natural way of life, filled with freedom and soaring through the skies. The group of birds became an inspiration to other birds who had lost confidence in their wings.

From then on, the birds were regarded as symbols of freedom and perseverance. Their fable served as a reminder that it is important to maintain and celebrate our innate abilities and happiness. While modern technology can be helpful, it should not be used to forget the blessings we possess.

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