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"Tomato, Vegetable or Fruit?"

Once upon a time, there were three vegetable friends living in a distant village. They were Tomato, Eggplant, and Mustard Greens. One day, they had a big discussion about themselves.

"Tomato," said Eggplant, "are you really a vegetable or a fruit?"

Tomato laughed and said, "That's a great question, my friend. But it shouldn't be a cause for conflict in our friendship. Instead, let's play a game to answer that question."

The three vegetables decided to play the Game of Nature's Glimpse. The game involved walking around the village and observing various plants they encountered. The first plant they saw was a Guava tree.

"Ah, Guava," said Mustard Greens, "is it a vegetable or a fruit?"

"In truth," said Guava, "I am a fruit. But I don't use that to inflate my ego. Instead, I believe that regardless of what I am called, what matters is the blessings I bring to the people who eat me."

They continued walking and came across an old Tomato plant.

"Tomato," asked Eggplant, "how do you know if you are a vegetable or a fruit?"

Smiling, Tomato replied, "The light of the sun and the rain decide our characteristics, not the names given by humans. So let us continue our journey and seek answers from other plants."

As they walked, they found a large Mustard Greens plant.

"Mustard Greens," questioned Tomato, "which is more fitting for you, vegetable or fruit?"

Mustard Greens emphasized their words and said, "The truth is, I am a vegetable. But the true value of a plant does not rely on the labels assigned to it. I showcase my beauty and flavor in the dishes I am used in, and that is what truly matters."

After their journey, they stumbled upon a Wisdom Tree. They decided to seek its guidance.

"Oh, Wisdom Tree," said Tomato, "can you help us know whether we are vegetables or fruits?"

The tree smiled and gave its answer, "Friends, being a vegetable or a fruit is not just about physical characteristics. It is about how we use ourselves to bring happiness and well-being to others. Tomato, Eggplant, and Mustard Greens are all blessings that provide nourishment and joy to people. So, consider yourselves as bearers of goodness, regardless of how you are classified."

The three vegetables looked at each other and smiled widely. They understood that it didn't matter whether they were vegetables or fruits. The true value lay in their ability to bring happiness and nutrition to people.

From that day on, people accepted Tomato as both a vegetable and a fruit.


This fable shows that we should not argue over labels and categories. Instead, we should treat each other with care and respect and use our abilities to bring goodness to others.

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