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"The Banana Tree and the Child"

Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a big banana tree that grew abundantly with fresh bananas all year round. Near the tree, there lived a playful little child. The child was kind, joyful, and loved nature.

One beautiful morning, while the child was playing near the tree, the banana tree approached. In a gentle voice, the tree said to the child, "Little child, because of your kindness and love for nature, I will give you the fruit of my tree. May it bring you joy and benefit in your life."

The child was astonished by this unexpected gesture. However, with a wholehearted acceptance, the child received the gift from the banana tree. With gratitude, the child kissed the sweet fruit and said, "Thank you very much, playful banana tree! I promise to take care of it and use it with love."

The child continued playing and enjoying life. But every time the child ate a banana, the memory of the tree's love would never fade. The child's heart felt gratitude and a promise to repay the kindness and care for nature.

As time went by, the child continued playing near the banana tree. Whenever there were ripe fruits falling from the tree, the tree would give them to the child. With each fruit received, their bond and love grew stronger.

One day, during the rainy season, a strong storm struck the village. The banana tree was greatly hurt and fell down due to the powerful winds. The child witnessed the tragedy and quickly ran towards the fallen tree. Showing love and care, the child gathered belongings and placed them on top of the tree, providing protection and shelter for the banana tree.

As the banana tree stood up and regained its strength, it looked back at the child with tears in its eyes. "Little child," said the tree, "thank you for your kindness and care. Because of you, I have stood up again and I am ready to continue my mission of bringing happiness to people."

From that day forward, the banana tree and the child continued their companionship. The tree continued to produce fresh bananas, and the child continued to care for and love the tree. Through their friendship, the child learned the value of love and nurturing for nature.


This fable teaches us the importance of caring for and loving nature. Like the child, we also have a responsibility to take care of the environment and the blessings it has bestowed upon us. Through our care and love, we not only benefit ourselves but also future generations.

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