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"Juan and the Shark"

Once upon a time, there was a man named Juan who didn't know how to swim. Juan lived near a large river abundant with sharks. Juan's only problem was his weakness in swimming.

One day, while Juan was by the riverbank, a big shark named Pablo emerged in front of him. Instead of scaring or devouring Juan, Pablo showed kindness and friendship.

"Juan, my friend," greeted Pablo to the worried man, "I noticed that you don't know how to swim. As a shark, I have expertise in swimming. I want to teach you how to become a skilled swimmer."

Juan was surprised by the shark's good intentions and expressed his gratitude. He wholeheartedly accepted Pablo's offer to teach him how to swim.

From that day on, Juan and Pablo had daily practice sessions. Every morning, they would meet by the river and start their swimming lessons. Pablo taught Juan how to float on the water, how to move his arms and legs to keep swimming. He also imparted knowledge about water safety and how to identify dangerous areas.

Every time Juan learned something new, there was always laughter and joy. There were moments when Juan would struggle or make mistakes, but Pablo never lost patience. He supported Juan and continued to persevere in teaching.

After several weeks of effort and practice, the day of Juan's test arrived. It took place in a deep part of the river where many sharks were preparing for their feast.

With the techniques taught by Pablo, Juan swam far, deep, and fast. He amazed the birds in the sky and caught the attention of the fish beneath the water. Everyone was astonished by his progress and admired his creative swimming.

After this success, Juan and Pablo embraced outside the water. Juan expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the shark for his unwavering teaching and trust. Pablo responded with compassion and said, "Juan, you are the best swimming student I have ever encountered. Prove to others your talent and the importance of accepting help and embracing change."

Juan and Pablo became close friends after this triumph. They worked together to inspire other people to face their fears and pursue the changes they desired. With the help of a teaching shark and a receptive human, they discovered that no matter how deep the ocean may be, they could still swim towards success and happiness.

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