My Father's Keeper

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"Jen? Are you home?" I heard my father from the hallway.

"Yeah! Hang on!" I said trying to quickly dry my hands.

"It's okay, bunny!" He said. I could tell how much pain he was actually in just by how he spoke.

2 years ago, my dad was diagnosed with bone cancer and then a year later was diagnosed with kidney cancer. They didn't think he would last a month. Jokes, on them.

"No, I'm right....." I stopped as I noticed that there was another figure holding onto my dad.

"Ah! There you are sweetie!" My dad painfully smiled.

"Ummmm hi..... Who's this?" I asked clearing my throat.

"This is Brenton. He" my father suddenly became week. I grabbed the other side of him and we made our way to the couch.

"You need to rest." I said.

He carefully cupped my cheek in his weak frail hand. "I'm fine princess." My breathe caught in my throat at my childhood nickname. I gently kisses his hand. I didn't even notice the boy named Brenton go to the kitchen until he came back with my fathers pain pills.

"Here you go, Albert. These should help." He smiled, handing my father his medicine. I looked at him curiously.

"So!" I cleared my throat for what felt like the millionth time. "I'm still extremely confused what's going on here." My father and 'Brenton' laughed. I sat back and folded my arms.

"Oh! Calm down Jennie!" My dad tried to stop laughing but failed.

"Well, will you tell me what the heck is going on because my dad refuses to explain." I deadpanned, turning towards Brenton.

"Oh. Ummm well, I was assigned to be a your dad's home nurse." I raised an eye brow at his hesitated response. I looked at my father for confirmation.

"Yep! He's going to live with us for a while." My eyes widened.

"Oh..... Ummm alrighty than." I cleared my throat.....again. I got up and walked back to the kitchen. I took a deep breath before tying my hair back and putting my apron back on.

My back was turned so I didn't hear anyone come in until I turned around with a glass measuring cup full of water. The cup crashed to the floor as I jumped. I suddenly became very flustered.

I bent down and tried to clean up the glass. "Here, let me help."

I shook my head as I continued to clean up the glass. "Jen," he gently grabbed my hands. "You're bleeding." I looked down to see he was right. I sighed as I followed him to the sink.

We were silent as he cleaned out my cuts. He grabbed the towel an gently fried my hands. "Thanks...." I mumbled embarrassed. He nodded with a small smile on his face.

"So," I cleared my throat before continuing. "Who are you?"

The boy just laughed. "Brenton Thwaites. 3rd year med student. Who are you?"

"That's not what I meant," I said unamused. "I meant what are you doing here?"

He took a deep breathe as his shoulders tensed. "As you know, you're father isn't doing well. I was hired to..."

"Take care of him...." I looked away ashamed.

"Medically. Jen, they didn't mean that you couldn't take care of your father. They know you can. It's just.."

"I understand. Okay. I'm not a child." I got up and walked away. I close the sliding doors behind me and took a deep breathe. I crossed the yard to go sit under my favorite tree. I layer down, looking through the leaves. I heard footsteps approach but decided to ignore them. The figure laid down next to me.

"Before you say anything, can you not say anything." I whispered.

"Jen, I'm not here to take your place. Or to prove you can't take care of your dad. I'm here to help. I know it can be hard having to take care of your dad and yourself. I'm hear to help you. Whatever you need me to do, I will do it." At some point while he was talking, he sat up and faced me. I slowly sat up too. "I promise."

I looked into his eyes to see that he was telling the truth. And I knew that from that moment on, I wouldn't have to do this alone. And I was grateful for that.

Hey readers!! So I was writing this and fell in love with the idea. Should I write a separate book about this?? Vote, comment, and let me know!! Thanks for reading!

Brenton Thwaites ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora