The Guy In Between

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"Dance!!" His gripped tightened on my arm making my cry out in pain but I shrugged it off and danced to the thumping music. Soon he roughly spun me around so my back was to him and started to grind on me. I bit my lip to keep from crying out. I opened my eyes when I tasted blood. When I looked up, I saw a boy staring at me with soft sad eyes. I smiled and went back to pretending I was having a good time.

Two strong hands grabbed my shoulders and stroked my bare skin. I personally hate wearing tube tops but he makes me. Literally. He forces me into it.

If you haven't guessed, my boyfriend isn't the sweetest. I've been dating David for three years. He didn't get abusive until about 6 months after we started dating when we were at a bar and a group of guys bought me a drink. David got so mad that he put me on the table in front of them and made out with me. He loved the feeling so he kept doing it. It got to the point were he goes too far and hates it when I speak because I "ruin" it.

Suddenly, I was quickly turned around.  "I'll be right back. I'm gonna get a drink." His hands tightened on my shoulders so hard I knew there would be a bruise tomorrow. "Don't. Move." I nodded my head as he grabbed my ass on last time and placed a slobbery kiss on my lips making me want to throw up in my mouth before turning around. I let out a sigh of relief as he disappeared.

"Hey," I jumped at the new male voice. "Relax, it's just me." I turned around to see a guy my age with brown hair and sparkling brown eyes.

"Ummm," I looked over my shoulder to see David flirting with the girl at the bar. Go ahead and take him sweet pea. You won't want him after one slobbery kiss. I cringed. He was too busy to notice me talking to anyone else.

"Hi." I said quietly.

"I don't want to be insensitive but he doesn't seem to treat you right." I looked at him not knowing how to respond. "I mean you should be treated like a princess not an animal."

"I...I don't know what you are talking about." I said wrapping my arms around myself to cover some of the bruises.

"Your arms say otherwise," he said as he took my arm in his hands and gently rubbed his finger over the bruises.

My eyes started to tear up. "I can't get away from him." I said, barely a whisper. I was surprised he heard me over the loud music. "Every time I try, I wake up three days later."

"I can help with that." I looked up to see him smiling at me the way I wished David would look at me. Suddenly the boy's eyes went behind me and he left as fast as he came.

I waited for David to come back. After five minutes of waiting, he shuffled over. "I got you a beer." He slurred. How is he already drunk? We just got here.

"David, I don't like beer." I whispered.

"What?!?" He yelled grabbing my arm, squeezing tightly.

"David please. People are staring," I said quietly looking around at all the pity faces. No one ever knows what to do and even if they did, the didn't do anything.

"I don't give a shit that people are looking. You don't speak against me!" I looked away as a tear escaped. "Look at me when I'm talking to you!!"

What happened next happened in slow motion. First, I saw his hand curl into a fist. Then I was on the floor.

The room filled with gasps and an awkward silence. "Step away from the girl now!!!" I looked up through tear stained eyes to see two men in uniforms.

"You called the cops?!?!" He yelled taking a step towards me.

"Freeze!!" The two officers tackled him to the floor before he could come towards me. Two more officers joined and helped cuff him. The four officers were arresting David for I don't know what while I sat on the ground holding my cheek.

"Hey," I jumped as the boy from earlier knelt next to me.

"You." I whispered.

"Me," he laughed putting a napkin full of ice on my cheek.

"You called the cops." I said more as a statement than a question.

He scratched the back of his neck as his face turned red. "Something had to be done."


"Yes?" I said looking up. An officer came over as the boy helped me up.

"Would you like me to drive you home?"

"Ummm I use still do...or did live with him.." I whispered sadly.

"Well, it would be best if you didn't stay there anymore. Tomorrow morning, we will have someone stop by and help you pick up your stuff. Is there anywhere you can stay?"

I started to shake my head but was interrupted. "She can stay with me." His arm wrapped around my waist making me gasp. His arm on my bare waist felt nothing like David's. His was warm and caring while David's was rough and forceful. It felt......right. I didn't notice the officer nodding before walking off.

"Iii.... You.... I don't even know your name." I stuttered.

"Brenton," he smiled. "I'm gonna take care of you. No one is going to hurt you again. Especially David." He said grabbing my shoulders softly.

Without warning, I wrapped my arms around him tightly. "Thank you," I cried into the crook of his neck.

"Anything for a damsel in distress." He whispered kissing the top of my head.

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