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I woke up not knowing where I was. When I opened my eyes, everything was dark. What the heck?

I tried to remember the last thing that happened. I was walking out to my car after Chase's game. (The game he pretty much forced me to go to that he didn't even play in.)

I was walking out when suddenly I was grabbed. I tried to fight the guy off but he was stronger than me. Much stronger than me. I was then thrown in the trunk of a car and knocked out. I couldn't get a good look at my attacker because he had on a ski mask. All I could see were dark brown eyes that looked like a lion watching its' prey.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a door open. "Hello?" My voice came out sounded dry and groggy. There was no answer. "Who's there?" The bag was ripped off my head and thrown to the side.

As my eyes adjusted to the light, I strained to see who this guy was. Of course, he had on a baseball cap but it was too low to see his face. "Who are you?" I asked as bravely as I could. He just laughed.

"What do you want from me?!" I yelled starting to get angry.

"Calm down, Kitty." I winced at the nickname. "I'm not going to hurt you." He gently touched my cheek. I winced away. For a minute it looked like he was hurt by my action. He soon shrugged it off and pulled a chair in front of me.

"Listen up, Kitty. It's quite simple so you should be able to understand it. Your daddy is very very rich and he loves you very very much!" He mocked. "So, we are going to leave your daddy a very scary message. And then he's going to pay a lot of money to get his little princess back." He had a smirk on his face that made me shiver.

He stood up and reached under my chair. He pulled out my purse. After a few minutes of searching through it crazily he groaned in anger. "Where's your phone?" I just stared him down. "Don't make me hit you." He got right into my face.

Scared, I stuttered. "It's.... It's in my back pocket." He roughly leaned me forward before yanking my phone out of my pocket.


"1987" I said. After typing the password he went to my contacts and called my dad. He put the speaker on.

"You've reached the message box of 778-322-1456."

He scoffed. "Wow. Won't even answer his Princess's call. Tsk tsk tsk."

"Please leave a message after the beep. Beeeeeeepppp." A silent tear made its way to my cheek.

"Hello sir. I have you're daughter here and she would like to say something to you." He held the phone out to me but I shook my head. Getting angry he grabbed my hair. I cried out in pain.

"You hear that? She's in pain. If you want your daughter safe and untouched, pay me. Call me back." He said the last part in a mocking town. He then hung up my phone and put it in his back pocket.

I looked at him in disgust. "Oh don't look at me like that, Princess. It's not my fault your billionaire father didn't answer the call." He shrugged laughing.

"You've missed judged his and my relationship." The guy stopped as he noticed me upset. "My dad is a workaholic. He never is home and when he is, he's usually locked up in his office doing more work. My butler is the one who raised me, not my dad. He won't pay the stupid ransom. You should have stolen his Mac book instead of his daughter." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sure that's not true." He scoffed.

"I wouldn't hold you're breathe." I rolled my eyes. I looked up to see him not trying to hide himself anymore. His eyes were now a soft brown color that matched his brown hair. He was gorgeous.

What am I saying? He kidnapped me!!

"My mom use to do the same thing. After my dad died, she got worse. People say she worked herself to death. She was driving clear across the country for a meeting when she fell asleep at the wheel. She wouldn't stop to sleep. She didn't want to be late." I couldn't help but feel sorry for the guy. Even if he did kidnapped me.

"There's other ways to get money." I said. His head popped up in confusion. "I could get you a job. You don't have to go around kidnapping people." I shrugged. I would be lying is I said I wasn't scared he was gonna get pissed.

To my surprise, he laughed. "No wonder no one every kidnapped you. You always give them a second chance." I smiled.

"My name's Brenton by the way."

"Nice to meet you Brenton. Now would you mind untying me?" I laughed.

"Sure thing, Kitty."

Heyy guys. Don't forget to vote and comment any suggestions/ideas. If you want I can start doing other people too! Whatever you guys would like! Thanks for reading!!

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