The Player Is Dating My Best Friend

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"Ewww!!" I walked in to see my best friend sucking faces with the school player; Brenton Thwaites. Now I know why she wasn't answering the door. "Seriously Mo?!? Why did you tell me to head over??"

I shielded my eyes as I stomped my way to her kitchen.

"So we can have a threesome!" Brenton shouted.

"Brenton!" I heard Morgan giggle making me gag.

"Not ever going to happen!! I wouldn't even have a one night stand with you!" I yelled back. They were too busy making out to respond.

I sighed. This isn't the only time she's done this. No not exactly this but she has blown me off before to hang out with him. And yes, if you haven't already figured it out, I do NOT like my best friend's boyfriend.

I know what you're thinking; don't girls usually get the thumbs up from their bestie before dating a guy? Well my answer to that, my dear young friend, is that usually yes, unless said girl is over her heels "in love" with him. And no, I don't believe in "true love". Call me cynical but when you have divorced parents you loose faith in love.

"Screw it!" I whispered. I grabbed my keys and walked out the front door.

"Wait!! Don't go!" I turned to see Morgan making her "aren't I cute" pouty face.

"Mo, you know you're pouty face has no affect of me!" I scoffed. "It may work on assholes like your BF but not me." I spun on my heel and walked to my car.

"Why do you always do this?!" She screamed.

"Ask yourself that same question! Why do you always invite me over to watch you make out with your boyfriend! That's NOT what friends are for!" I yelled back. I could see the hurt look on her face but I didn't care.

"I've tried fighting for you for a long time. But you know what? I'm done. I give up! Goodbye Morgan!" With that I got in my car and drove away.

I can't believe I lost my friend to a d-bag like Brenton.

I walked into school the next day pissed off. I sure hope no one tried to talk to me because I will most likely cuss them out.

I was at my locker when someone approached me. "Hey there!"

I physically cringed. "Go. Away." I slammed my locker shut.

"Whoa there kitten!!"

"What part of "go away" don't you understand Brenton?" I glared.

"Look, I wanted to explain. I feel bad how you and Morgan left things."


"Because...." He thought. "I like her." He shrugged laughing. I just snorted in response. "Seriously! She misses you. I know she's sorry. I just want to fix things."

I scoffed. "Seriously?? You of all people should not be trying to fix this. It is all on her!" With that, I spun on my heel and walked away.

"Wait!!" He called after me.

"Look, I don't know what you have going on with her but when you break her heart, and you will, tell her to cry on someone else's shoulder because I won't be there."

"That's kinda harsh, don't you think?"

"Well screw you. It hurts always being second best to you. I am tired of being the third wheel." My voice cracked. I cleared my throat. "Goodbye, Brenton."

"No!" I halted.

"Excuse me?" I scolded. "YOU did not just yell at ME!!! I am the victim here!"

"I'm not going to hurt her!" He said, desperately.

It was the desperation in his voice that made me scoff. "That's highly unlikely."

"I actually care about Mo! I really like her. It's different." His voice softened. I looked at his eyes to see he was genuine.

"She needs you. She misses you." He whispered.

"Then why didn't she tell me herself?" I walked away but this time he didn't stop me.

And that was the end of Al and Mo.... Thanks a lot bad boy.

Heyy guys!! So I noticed this one was kind of depressing.... Sorry about that!! I promise the next one will be better!! Thanks for reading. Keep reading voting and commenting!!

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