Surprise Visitor

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It was a normal summer day. I had just returned from the store and started putting the groceries away when the doorbell rang. Sighing I walked to the door and opened it.

"Brenton?" I couldn't believe it. I haven't seen him since high school. "What... What are you doing here?" I stuttered out.

"I..... I just.... I had to see you." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's been 7 years." I said remembering the day he left. The yelling. The arguing. I threw the necklace he game me across the room but I didn't tell him I went back and got it.

"I know. I.... I was a jerk. I shouldn't have said those things to you."

I cut him off not wanting to hear his excuses. "You're right! You didn't..... I don't get why..... I don't get what I did wrong Brenton. I really don't." I haven't known for 7 years.

"And I'm sorry about that Andy. I really am. I..... I just..."

"You just what Brenton? You just didn't want to be around me anymore? You didn't want to be my best friend anymore?" I said feeling the tears form in my eyes.

"I couldn't." He said looking at his shoes.

"You couldn't? What the hell does that mean?!" I said trying not to get angry but failing. "You couldn't be around me? Was I that disgusting?!"

"No! Nonononononono! That's not what I meant! I couldn't because of how I felt about you." His eyes widened.


"I..... I left because I had feelings for you. Feelings I didn't think you'd return. I couldn't be around you without fighting the urge to kiss you so.... I left."

"You had feelings for me?" I said barely a whisper.

He looked at me as if he was trying to read me. "I did." He paused before adding, "I still do. That's why I came back. To tell you, Andy, that I still have feelings for you." With each word he got one step closer to me.

He reached and took my hands in his. "Everyday since I left has been hell. I have not stopped thinking about you for seven years. I love you Andy. I always have." He looked at me awaiting my answer.

"I love you too." I said like it was a secret. Brenton reached up and put his hand on my cheek. "But Brenton? Why did you leave me?"

"Because I was a coward. I was afraid you would reject me. But I'm not afraid anymore. I love you Andy. And I'll never leave you. I'll never make that mistake again." Before I could say anything, I felt his lips on mine. Our lips moved in sync as we stood in the middle of my family room.

When neither of us could breathe, we pulled apart. Neither one of us spoke as we stood there, our foreheads pressed together.

"Brenton?" I whispered.

"Yes babe?" He said tightening his arms around my waist.

"Promise me something?"

"Anything," he said.

"Promise me...... Promise me you won't leave. Ever. Don't... I couldn't handle it if you left. Not again. I've had people leave me before, Brenton you know that. I.... I can't loose you." I said tears forming.

"Hey," he soothed taking my head in both of his hands. "I know your life hasn't been easy. To your father cheating on your mom, to the divorce and the numerous court cases. And I know me leaving didn't make it any easier. I left when you needed me the most and I will never make that mistake again. I swear on my life I will spend my whole life making it up to you. I'm not going anywhere. I promise. I am never leaving you again. Ever. I love you Andy. Nothing and no one will ever change that."

"Promise?" I said with tears running down my cheeks.

With a small smile, Brenton wiped at my cheeks. "I promise. I will protect you and care for you. I will go to the ends of the earth to make you happy." Suddenly, he pushed me up against the wall and pressed his lips to mine. The kiss was long and passionate. All I could think as our lips moved in sync was finally.

Finally I had someone in my life who loves me and will never leave me.

I ran my hands through his hair as he started to kiss down my neck. I let out a moan as he found my weak spot. "Brenton....." Before I could say anything else his lips were back on mine. Hungrily asking for more, he bit my lip taking the chance to slip his tongue in. As our tongues danced, he started walking us towards my room. We broke apart so Brenton could shut the door. When he did, he reconnected our lips. I let out a small giggle as Brenton laid me on the bed. He crawled on top of me and put his lips back on mine.

As our lips moved in sync, I played with the hem of his shirt. He sat up bringing me with him. I helped him take off his shirt and then he helped me take off mine. He laid us back down and kept his wait in his hands as we made out. I moaned as he moved his hips against mine.

He started leaving kisses down my neck, across my collarbone and all the way down my arms. I bite my lip as he started to kiss my stomach, making his way up my torso. When he reached my bra line I felt him reach behind me and unclip it, throwing it aside.

I woke up the next morning under my covers with Brenton's cold chest pressed against my back and his arm draped across my bare stomach. I giggled happily as I remembered the long night.

"Good morning," he said huskily as he nibbled on my ear making me moan.

"Morning," I said turning around.

"I could get use to waking up to a view like this." He said checking me out in bed.

"Maybe next time we can sleep with clothes on." I laughed.

"Clothes are over rated." He said pulling us closer.

"Fine but we should at least use protection next time," I said rocking my hips against his making him let out a deep moan. He quickly repositioned us so he was on top of me.

"I love you," I whispered like it was a secret.

He leaned down and kissed my nose. "I love you too." From there we had a repeat of what happened last night.

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