The Birthday Boy

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In honor of Brenton's 26th birthday I had to post this! This is for you Brenton! We love you!

"Hey Em, where are you?" I tried to hide my smile as I answered my phone looking at all of Brenton's friends in my family room. They were all looking at me with excitement.

Hollywood really is into surprise parties.

"I thought you said to pick you up at the studio."

"I did but I got done early and I had to run home and change. I was wearing jeans and I wanted to change into a nice dress." That wasn't a full lie. I did end early but that was 2 hours ago.

"Will you pick me up at my apartment?" I asked innocently.

"Sure thing, babe. I'm on my way."

"Okay! Be safe!" With that I hung up.

"He's on his way!" I yelled so everyone could hear me. We rushed about finishing setting up the food and decorations.

Brenton and I have been dating for almost a year. He's an actor who has been in The Giver, Son Of A Gun, a few more, including Maleficent. I'm a singer who has made a few appearances in TV shows. My agent wants me to start acting. She even got me this insane role that I can't wait to tell Brenton about.

I went to the fridge and got out the chocolate cake with white frosting and in Caribbean Blue was the words; "Happy 26th Birthday Brenton."


"What?" Cameron Monoghan came running over to me.

"Grab those candles and put 26 of them around the cake. 26!"

"Got it. Geez Perkins. I know how old he is." He laughed walking away.

"And no trick candles!" I yelled after him. I heard him groan.

"Don't worry, Emma." I turned to see Jeff Bridges holding a box of fake candles. "He won't find them," laughing he put them in his pocket.

"Thank you!" I laughed.

"You alright sweetie?" Meryl Streep asked joining Jeff and I.

I sighed. "I just hope everything looks good."

"Relax Emma!!" I jumped as Phillip Noyce threw his arm over me. "Everything looks great."

I was about the say something but I was cut off by my phone.

I panicked when I saw Brenton's name flash on my screen. "Everyone!!! Shut up and hide! He's here!!"

Relaxing a little I answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey, I'm here." I could tell something was wrong.

"You okay?" I forgot about the people hiding in my house.

"I'm fine, Em."

"No you aren't. What's wrong?"

"Are you okay?"

"What?" I was taken back by his question.

"Well, you've been acting kind of weird." I heard him sigh.

"Why don't you come inside and we'll talk about it?" I asked sweetly nodding towards everyone.

"Okay. I'll be right there." I quickly hung up and hid behind the couch.

I heard the door open and shut.

"Emma?" I put my hand over my mouth so I didn't blow our cover. I could hear his footsteps as he walked down the hallway towards the family room where everyone was hiding.

"Hello?" He rounded the corner. Smiling I flicked the lights on as everyone jumped out of their hiding spots.

"Surprise!!" We all yelled. Brenton jumped but laughed as he saw all of us. His eyes scanned the room but stopped on a shy me who was standing by the light switch.

"This is why you were acting weird." The smile never left his face.

"Surprise." I smiled. He walked up to me and wrapped me in a hug before crashing his lips onto mine.

"Seriously??" We pulled apart laughing at a grossed out Cameron.

Phillip walked in with the cake as we all started to sing to Brenton.

When the singing stopped I smiled. "Make a wish." He closed his eyes and blew out the candles. We all cheered as Phillip left to cut the cake.

When everyone had started their own conversation I wrapped my arms around Brenton's neck. "So. What did you wish for?"

"Nothing." He smiled.

"Nothing?" I laughed.

"Yep! What else do I need? I have an awesome career. A loving and supportive family. Crazy fun friends. And a girlfriend so amazing I'm the luckiest guy in the world." His lips were on mine.

When we pulled away I whispered, "Happy Birthday Brenton."

"Oh!" I jumped remembering the news. "Guess what!!" I giggled.

"What?" He said playfully rolling his eyes.

"They don't have to keep looking for the role of Carina for Pirates."

"Really? They didn't tell me. Do you know who it is?"

I nodded biting my cheek to keep from smiling.


"Me." I said as if it was normal.

"What?! Are you serious?!" He picked me up after I nodded and spun me around.

As soon as he put me down his lips were on mine. I smiled as our lips moved in sync. "Best. Birthday. Ever." He said between kisses making me laugh.

We finally pulled apart when neither one of us could breathe.

"I love you." I blurted. That's the first time either one of us have said that.

"I love you too." He whispered like it was our little secret.

After one more kiss, we turned and joined the party celebrating the one and only; Brenton Thwaites.

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