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"Hey there lifeguard!" I rolled my eyes as I turned towards a group of teenage boys. They flexed, trying to look tough.

I just rolled my eyes. One of the reasons I hate being a lifeguard; you always get hit on. It's not as fun as it sounds.

"Why don't you guys get real muscles before trying to show off ones that don't exist!" I yelled back.

I heard colorful comments but just flipped them off instead-which earned me a glare from my manager, Katie.

I just shrugged it off. The rest of the day went smoothly until....

"Oh my gosh!! Someone help him!!" I looked to see a boy drowning in my section.

I blew my whistle before jumping in. When I resurfaced I swam over to the boy. I grabbed him but was pulled under with him.

Using all of my might, I kicked to the top. There were a few other lifeguards waiting nearby to help me get him out.

When we were out, we laid him down on the concrete. I put my ear to his mouth.

He wasn't breathing.

"He's not breathing! Call 911!" I screamed before doing chest compressions.

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I completely zoned out on all the huddle and bustle. All I cared about was getting this guy to breathe.

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I can't believe this was happening to me at work. No one rarely has to do this.

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I lifted his head, plugged his nose and gave him mouth to mouth.

Two breathes. I then started to do 30 more chest compressions.

I didn't even hear the ambulance approach.

After 30 compressions I gave him mouth to mouth again.

As I pulled away to go back to chest compressions he started coughing up water.

"He's alive!" Several people exclaimed.

"What happened?" He gasped.

"You were drowning. But you're okay now." I smiled.

"Thank you." I nodded.

"What's your name?"

"Brenton... Thwaites." He said.

"You know you're name. That's a good sign." I smiled.

That's when I noticed the ambulance. I stepped aside letting them take care of her.

"Good job Al." Katie said rubbing my back.

"Seriously yo!! That was sick!" Matt exclaimed handing me a water.

"Thanks." After taking a big drink I sighed, "I think I'm gonna take my break now."

"You deserve it!" Laughed Katie. "In fact, take the rest of the day off."

I smiled appreciably as I walked into the locker room. I changed into shorts and a tank top. I slipped on my flip flops, grabbed my purse and signed out.

On my way out I got hit with tons of "good jobs" and "nice goings". I dug in my purse for my keys to unlock my car as I stepped through the double doors.

"Hey! Lifeguard!" I turned to see the guy I rescued jogging towards me like nothing happened.

"You know, most people who almost drowned take weeks to recover. Not seconds."

He laughed when he caught up to me. "I just wanted to say thank you. For what you did. You're my hero!" He said the last line with a girly voice.

I chuckled. "Nah.... I'm just the lifeguard." I turned to walk towards my car but was called back.

"Don't I at least get to know your name?" He called.

"Alice. But most people just call me Al."

"Well, Al thank you. For saving my life. I owe you one." He winked.

"Maybe you can repay me by taking me to dinner sometime."

"Maybe. I know where to find you." With that he turned on his heel and walked away.

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