Heated Reunion

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"So, sweetheart!" I cringed.

"What?!" I sneered.

"Ohhh! The kitten has bite!"

"Keep treating me the way you are and you'll see the kitten has claws too!" I glared. Jeremy just laughed. I rolled my eyes before going back to staring at the ground.

It's been three months since I started at AVU. Yeah, this is the party school full of 'bad kids'. I may not be a hard core 'bad girl' but I'm not a 'good girl' either.

At least, anymore.

"Hey Kitty!! Guess what?!?"

"What does the town idiot want now?" I scowled.

"Calm down, Cheif. Turns out, you aren't the newest student anymore!" He chuckled. This was a fairly small campus. So small you could tell who was new and who wasn't. With it being so small, it makes it extremely hard to get into. Yes, the "bad" school is very competitive. It's full of all the smart kids who just had bad attitudes.

I turned around to see a boy my age walking around campus. My eyes widened as I realized who was walking through the courtyard.

"Brenton?" I whispered.

"What did you say Cheif?" He asked, snapping me back to reality.

"Nothing." I turned around hoping my old best friend wouldn't notice me. I use to have the biggest crush on him. I know I know. How "romantic comedy cliche" but our story didn't end happily. He didn't fall for me. He moved across the country and met someone else. Multiple someone else's.

"Hannah??" Dang it.

I turned around to see Brenton looking at me in shock. "Ummm who are you?" I scoffed. I know this sounds mean of me to act like I don't know him but I couldn't let other people see me weak. That sounds stupid but I have a reputation and it keeps be from being bullied so...

"It's me... Brenton... You don't remember me? We use to be neighbors. And best friends." He said the last part with a bit of sadness in his eyes.

"Oh. Hey," I turned back around and continued looking at my feet.

"Wow you look.....different." He said slowly.

Rolling my eyes, I spun back around and sighed. "Yeah, I grew boobs." With that I stood up and before I walked away I smirked, "Puberty finally kicked in."

He ran up to catch up to me. "What happened to you?" He asked in awe.

"You left." He halted but I kept walking.

"Han!!" He grabbed my hand making me stop.

"What?" I turned around yanking my hand out of his ignoring the electricity I use to feel.

And still felt.

"What has gotten into you?" He looked me over. Suddenly, I became self conscious about myself. I looked down at my black and red tank top with red booty shorts and red converse. I had gotten a few little tattoos; one on my collar bone, one on my left wrist and a few on my ankles. I had more than one piercing in each ear. When he left I only had one earring in each and not a single tattoo.

"I changed. I started to get bullied so to protect myself I changed senior year. I became the girl who didn't take anyone's shit. I wasn't the same little miss perfect nerd I use to be. My grades didn't change but my attitude did. I did what I had to do so I could survive that last year without my best friend."

"I....it.... I am so sorry Hannah. I didn't know me moving would do....this." He stuttered.

"Why are you apologizing?!" I laughed. "I love who I am. I finally have control of my life! I should thank you for abandoning me and leading me to 'this'. " His eyes saddened.

Brenton Thwaites ImaginesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu