Walking In

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"It'll take two seconds! Just hang on!" I said to my annoyed sister. I opened the door without looking inside. I turned around and jumped as a shirtless boy stood in the back of the room.

Not just any boy. Brenton Thwaites. The schools rugby player, swim captain and soccer player. In other words he was the jock with a killer body.

"Oh gosh!" I exclaimed trying to turn around but managed to knock books on the floor in the process.

I knelt down and began to pick them up as my cheeks turned red. I heard chuckling causing my cheeks to redden more. "Here. Let me help you."

He handed me a couple of books and reached his hand out to help me up but I didn't take it. How could I? It was embarrassing.

"Or not...." He chuckled. I stood up and looked at my shoes.

I gathered as much courage as I could-which wasn't much-and asked,"Why.....ummmm what....ummm...no....." I shook my head.

"Why am I shirtless in the Chem room?" He chuckled. "I was creating a chemical reaction but it went wrong and got it on my shirt so I took it off to clean it."

"Oh...." I mumbled. Now I'm officially embarrassed. "What umm what were you trying to do?" I stuttered still looking at my books.

"Well.... Promise you won't laugh?" I looked up to see him scratching his neck. I had to look back down to keep from staring at his perfect six pack. (I could stare at those all day! Anyone else? Or am I just a creeper?) I nodded, ignoring the blush on my cheeks.

"I was ummm trying to build a volcano." I started to laugh but quickly covered it up with a cough. "I thought you weren't going to laugh!" He said with a big smile on his face. I don't know why but his smile made me nervous.

It wasn't scary. It was just......... No one has ever smiled at me. Maybe in a mean way but never with laughter in their eyes.

"Sorry!! It's just ummmm" I cleared my throat. "It's hard not to. You're in college and you're building a volcano?" I raised one eyebrow in question, holding back more laughter.

"Yeah, I'm not the smartest student when it comes to Chem 101." He chuckled.

"Well, if you want a good grade go with something more intense than a volcano." I stuttered less.

"A volcano is very intense!!" He defended.

"Yeah, if you live in Pompeii." He surprised me by bursting out laughing.

"It wasn't um.... It wasn't that uhh funny." I asked looking out the classroom window.

"Come on. Give yourself some credit. You're pretty funny for someone who doesn't talk much. Maybe you should." I looked see him smiling softly. Surprising myself, I smiled in response.

"Anyway!" He chuckled. "What do you suggest I do Little Miss Scientist?"

"You could I an experiment on how the different weather patterns mess with solar panels! Oh! Or you could show how pollution damages the environment by creating a model of a lung of someone who had lived in a really polluted place! Like China! Or New York! Oh! You could also..." His laugher made me stop.

"What?" I asked quietly. His laughter stopped when he noticed me returning back to my shy self.

"I didn't mean to laugh at you. I just think it's funny how excited you got about environmental stuff." He tried to sound nicer but it didn't work.

"I'm a Environmentalistic geek! I get it. Why do people keep laughing? It's not a crime to care about the environment!" I spun around not wanting to be in a room with someone who was just going to make fun of me like everyone else at this stupid school.

"Hey, wait!" He grabbed my wrist, making me stop in my tracks. "I'm sorry. I wasn't making fun of you. I think it's cute how excited the environment makes you. I wasn't laughing at you. I was laughing with you."

"I wasn't laughing." I mumbled still facing the door.

He let out a deep sigh as he let go of my arm. "You're right. I'm sorry."

"It's okay," I started to walk out of the room.

"So how exactly would I demonstrate the effects of the weather on solar panels?" His question made me smiled.

I turned around and smiled, "It's a lot easier than you think."

Who knew the environmental geek would help the jock with a science project and actually enjoy herself.

A week later.

"Al!!!" I jumped as my name was called-more like yelled-across the parking lot.

"Brenton?" I squinted. He ran up to me, picked me up and spun me around causing me to giggle the whole time.

"Guess what!!!" He said after he put me down.

"Ummm I'm getting a puppy. No, you ran over a nun!" I fake guessed.

"What???" He laughed. "You're demented!"

"That's true," I shrugged. "Anyway what did you run over here to tell me?!" I laughed.

"I got a 98% on my project!!!" He showed me his score sheet.

"That's awesome!!" I joined in his celebration.

"That also means I passed Chemistry 101 with an 87!!" He grabbed me into a bear hug.

"I am so proud of you, Brenton!!" I squealed.

"I owe it all to you. Thank you for helping me." He said pulling away from the hug but keeping his arms wrapped around my waist.

"All I did was give you an idea. You did the rest." I shrugged.

"No. You did so much more than that. You believed in me." The smile on his lips said it all; pride, excitement, relief.

Suddenly, his lips were on mine. After the shock wore off, I decided to kiss him back.

Maybe his smile didn't say it all. But his kiss definitely did.

If you would've told me one day that I would've ran into the one and only Brenton Thwaites, shirtless, in the Chem room, help him with his project and then two weeks later go on a date with him, I would've checked you into a psyc asylum myself.

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