Friend-Zoned Fear

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"Isn't this college amazing???" Meg giggled.

"You're drunk aren't you?" I laughed.

"Really Anna? It's like 10 in the morning!"

"You never know," I shrugged laughing.

She just pushed me in response. "Hey! Fighting is never the answer!"

"Thanks Brenton," Meg and I said at the same time. Brenton, Shawn and Mark walked up and sat with us at a table under a tree.

"Hey are you guys going to Allie's party?" Meg asked as I took a bite out of my apple.

"Yeah." Mark said with a mouth full of sandwich.

"I heard it's going to be awesome!" Shawn laughed twisting the cap off his water bottle.

"I over heard some girls saying that she throws the best parties." I nodded.

"Are you going?" Brenton asked me.

"Maybe. I'm not sure. If I do it probably won't be for long." I shrugged.

"Why not??" Meg whined.

"Because...." I dragged out. "Isn't it like a pool or beach party?"

"Yep!" Shawn said popping the p.

"Which means hot girls in bikinis!!" Mark half-yelled giving Shawn a high five.

"And that is why I don't want to stay long." I said pointing a finger at Mark and Shawn.

"Come on Anna! You know we don't think of you like that! I mean you have a killer body but you're like my baby sis!!" Shawn cooed.

"Gee thanks," I sighed sarcastically.

"You okay man?" I turned to see Matt looking at Brenton.

"Brenton?" He looked at me embarrassed. "You going tonight?"


"Hell yeah he's going!! Allie's slut friend Maddy is soooo into him!" Mark laughed.

"You're into Maddy?" I asked trying not to sound jealous.

"He should be!" Shawn laughed.

Should be? I thought.

At the party- Brenton's POV

"Would you take that cover off?!?" I heard Meg complain.

"No! I don't want to." Anna said shyly.

"Look, her backyard is mostly shaded. Take. It. Off."

"Okay." I turned around just as she slipped the dress off.

"Holy...." My jaw was on the floor.

"Shit." Michael finished for me.

"I am proud to say I was wrong about what I said the other day. About Anna's body." Michael reached over and gave Shawn a high five. They went back to drinking their sodas as I watched Anna and Megan.

Man that sounds creepy. "Dude, why don't you just go ask her out?" Michael chuckles.

"Yeah. You've liked her since like the first Harry Potter movie." Shawn smirked.

"We've been best friends since we were like eight. She probably doesn't even like me back. Plus if she doesn't and I tell her I do, our friendship is as good as gone." I walked away ignoring the calls from my friends.

Anna's POV

"Hey guys!!" Meg was literally jumping from excitement.

"Hey girls." Mark and Shawn said at the same time. They started talking about the party but I was too busy looking for Brenton. When I found him, he was under a tree playing his guitar. My eyes widened and cheeks reddened as I looked at his tan, muscular, shirtless form.

"Hey Anna," I turned to see Mark and Shawn looking between each other, Brenton, and me.

"Can we ask you something?" Shawn asked looking at his drink.

"Sure," I shrugged. Why are they acting so weird. I looked at Meg to see her have the same expression in her face as the guys.

What is going on?

"Do you like Brenton?"


"I..... I don't want to ruin our friendship." I played with my fingernails.

"Why do they keep saying that?" Shawn grumbled to Mark.

"Listen Annie, he's gonna kill us."

"What!?" My head popped up.

"Let me finish." Shawn said gently. "He likes you. Brenton likes you. Like really likes you."

"Wh..... How do you know?" I could feel my cheeks reddening.

"He's our best friend. We just know." Mark said.

"Don't keep those feeling in side you. Go tell him." Meg gave me a not-so-gentle push.

I guess it's now or never.

When I walked up, Brenton was talking to Maddy. More like Maddy was talking to Brenton.

What am I doing? I can't compete with her. This was a stupid idea. Stupid Shawn. Stupid Mark. Stupid me. Stupid stupid stupid......

"Anna!" Brenton put his guitar around his shoulder and left Maddy mid-sentence.

"Hey umm I was gonna.... I need to talk to you but we can talk later..."

"No no no. Let's talk. I need to tell you something too. I like you."

"I like you." We said at the same time.

"Wait, what?" We said in sync.

"Seriously?" We laughed still talking in sync. We laughed but it got quiet once we calmed down.

Brenton took a step forward and crashed his lips onto mine. Without hesitation, I kissed him back. He bit my lip causing me to gasp. As I gasped he slipped his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues danced as I ran my fingers through his hair.

We pulled away, gasping for air. "Finally! I broke through that stupid friend zone!" I couldn't help but laugh.

"You were never friend zoned."

Another shoutout to veggiegirl98 for giving me this idea!!

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