The Prince

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"Princess?" I let out a soft sigh.

"Yes?" I turned around to see my maid servant walking in with a new dress.

"The prince is here," she chuckled at my painful expression.

"Don't laugh at me Veronica." I whispered before stepping behind the screen to change.

"I'm sorry, hun. It's just, I know you don't want to meet the prince as your father and his father talk about the unity. You're father would never ask you to do this if is wasn't for the safety of our kingdom."

"I understand full well why I just," I let out a sigh of frustration. "I want to marry for love! Not unity!" I stepped out and examined the dress. It was a gorgeous blue gown made to fit me. I have my own stylist so all my gowns were original.

I sat down as she started my hair. "There. Now you look the part."

I didn't say anything as I slipped on my shoes and walked downstairs. When I got there I was in for a surprise.

"Your highness?" A servant addressed my father. "The Princess." With that I walked in gracefully.

"Ahh!! Wonderful!! Gentlemen I would like to introduce my daughter, Princess Annabelle!" They bowed as I walked into the room.

"Your highness, it is lovely to meet you." King George said taking my hand and kissing my knuckles.

"The pleasure is all mine," I curtsied.

"May I present my son, Prince Phillip." He gestured towards the boy standing next to him.

"Thank you for having us, Princess." He followed the example of his father and took my hand in his and brought it to his lips. I couldn't help but watch as my hand touched his lips.

I looked into his soft brown eyes. "My pleasure." I curtsied.

"Well! Now that we have all met, why don't we talk about the union. Annabelle, why don't you show Phillip around the gardens?"

"Of course," I nodded.

"Princess," he held out his arm for me to take. I looped my arm through his as we made our way to the gardens.

"You have a lovely home." I couldn't help but chuckle at his attempt of a compliment.

"Thank you," I said trying to recompose myself.

"Umm... Your welcome?" Poor guy.

"I'm not laughing at you, my dear Prince."

"Oh," was all he said. I stopped causing him to look at me.

"I'm laughing because this is awkward. We both know what's to come, yet none of us want to say it first. As we speak, our fathers are arranging our marriage. If we don't get over the awkwardness now, our marriage will prove to be fake and I don't want my kingdom believing I am a fake." I nodded my head before walking over to a bench and sitting down.

I stared at the prince as he tried to comprehend what just happened. Suddenly, he started to laugh. "I agree. And if I may add something, I hate being a prince." I raised my eyebrows as he came and sat down next to me.

"Well, what I mean is I love my kingdom I just don't like having to be so......" He sighed rubbing his hands through his hair and over his face.

"Formal," I finished for him.

"Exactly!!" He smiled jumping up. I smiled as he started to pace back and forth. "I mean, I understand that we are an example, of sorts, but that doesn't mean we need to act like royal robots!" He was practically jumping up and down.

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