The Hitchhiker

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I was driving down the road, not wanting to keep going. I was driving from New York to California to meet my dad. I was currently somewhere in Ohio.

My dad left my mom when I was a baby. I'm surprised he even knew about me. So naturally, this 'vacation' would be dreaded.

I was driving down the interstate rocking out to T-Swift when I noticed someone sitting on the side of the road. As I drove closer, I could see it was a guy. Should I pull over and ask if he needs help?


I put on my flashers and rolled down my window as I pulled over. "Ummmm do you need help?"

He looked up in surprise. "Where are you headed?" I asked.

"Um California." He said. How ironic, I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Get in." I said unlocking the door. He looked at me in surprise before grabbing his backpack and climbing in.

"Thanks." He mumbled. I nodded as I turned the music down.

"So, what are you doing walking all the way to Cali?" I asked grabbing my soda from the cup holder.

He shrugged. "Really?" I laughed.

He chuckled. "Well, it's complicated."

"Well we are currently driving through Ohio. We have a lot more time that you think."

"Okay okay. But, tell me first; why did you stop? Hundreds of cars have passed me but you didn't. Why?"

I thought about it for a second before replying, "Because you looked lost. You looked like a puppy whose owner just left. You reminded me......of myself." I said the last part quieter.

We sat there in silence. I looked over the horizon as silent tears fell. "My mom is sick." I looked over at him kind of shocked. "I moved to Rhode Island to be closer to my mom and farther away from my dad. He's in prison for........" I could tell he didn't want to say.

"You don't have to..." I started but stopped when he shook his head.

"We use to live in California. But one night my dad came home drunk. He kept hitting her. My mom." He took a deep breathe. "He was thrown in prison while my mom and I moved."

"So why are you going back?"

"He needs me to pay his bail." By the look on his face I could tell he didn't want to.

"My dads a d-bag." I sighed causing him to chuckle. "He left my mom for some college chick. He left her while she was pregnant with me. Apparently, my dad feels really bad about not being the "perfect dad" so he was willing to pay for a ticket for me to fly out to Cali and meet him."

"Well, at least he's trying." The boy shrugged.

I scoffed. "I'm terrified of flying. If he had stayed, he would've known that." My voice cracked. I cleared my throat and reached for my soda.

"Maybe...... Maybe he just wants to make things better between the two of you."

"He should have at least helped pay the child support!" I argued hitting the steering wheel. I took a deep breathe to calm down but it came out shakily. We were at a red light as I rested my head on the wheel.

"I guess we both come from screwed up families." I let out a small laugh.

"And now we are on a life changing road trip!" I joked as the light changed.

We were silent as we past through the rest of Ohio. "You shouldn't have to pay the bail unless you want to."

"He doesn't deserve it," he agreed.

"Then why are you?"

"My mom things he's changed."

"What do you think?"

He didn't speak for a while. Finally he sighed, "I won't know for sure until I talk to him." I nodded. "What about you? You don't sound excited about seeing your dad."

"I'm not," I admitted.

"I know we just met, but you could come with me. That way you don't see your dad as soon." He smiled. There was a hint of red on his cheeks causing me to smile.

"You could take me to lunch so you don't have to see your dad as soon." I said, glancing over at a smiling relieved boy.

"Sounds like a plan." I nodded as I turned my attention back to the road.

"You know I still don't know you're name." I laughed.

"Brenton." He smiled holding out his right hand for me to shake.

I laughed as I awkwardly took it with my right. "Jenna."

This 'vacation' just got 100 times better.

Brenton Thwaites ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz