My Lifeguard

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"Why are your clothes still on?" Lexi came over.

"Because I told you from the beginning, I hate pool parties." I said reading my book.

"Hey Scott??" Lexi called over her shoulder.

Oh no.......

"Lexi.... Don't even think about it." I said pointing at her and closing my book.

"I think Katie needs to cool off." She said with a smirk.

"Please don't." I sighed. I screamed as I felt myself being picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder. "Scott!! Put me down!!! Now!!!" I hit his back but he kept walking towards the pool. I started to panic. I wasn't the strongest swimmer. Especially when I am in the middle of a panic attack.

"Hey man, put her down. It's not funny." I looked up to see a guy with brown hair stand up. Scott ignored him and kept walking.

I looked at Lexi with wide eyes. "Lexi this isn't funny.  Tell him to put me down. Please."

"Lighten up, Katie!" She laughed.

"No, you don't understand Lex. I can't......" It was too late. I was thrown into the water with a scream. I almost hit my head on the bottom of the pool causing me to gasp what little air I had out. I struggled to get to the top of the pool but no matter how much I kicked, I couldn't swim. Suddenly, I stopped swimming. I stopped kicking and just let myself sink like a rock.

I could faintly hear people start to yell as I didn't resurface. I thought I heard a splash as my eyes started to close. I felt two strong arms grab me. I was too weak to fight back so I let the arms wrap around me. I felt a hard chest as the arms pulled me close. I felt as if I was flying as the source of the arms and strong chest pushed us to the top.

As we broke through the surface, I heard more yelling as I coughed up water. "Oh my gosh!! Katie!!! Why didn't you tell me you couldn't swim?" I heard Lexi cry out as I was carried out of the pool.

"Now is not the time to ask." Said the guy carrying me. I felt myself being laid on a chair. "How are you feeling?" he asked gently moving a piece of my wet hair out of my face. My eyes widened as I recognized my Lifeguard.

Brenton Thwaites. That's who saved me. The guy that everybody knows and everybody wants to be friends with but the most independent reserved guy on campus.

"I...... Uh..... I just..... Well......" I couldn't form words as I shook from fear.

"It's okay. Here," he said wrapping a towel around my shaking shoulders. "You are gonna be okay. I promise. You're safe now." He soothed as he rubbed circles on my back.

"I am so sorry Katie. I didn't know." Scott tried to apologize.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Brenton said as he stood up. "Did you not notice that she didn't want to get thrown in?? She asked you to put her down!" He got angrier and angrier.

"I..... I thought she was kidding. I didn't know she couldn't swim." Scott stuttered out.

"It's not funny throwing people into the pool. It just makes you a dick! If you ever......"

"Brenton, it's okay." I shakily stood up and put my hand on his bare arm. "Calm down. He didn't know." He turned toward me and visibly relaxed.

I took his hand in mine and led him over to a picnic bench by the food. "Thank you." I said as we sat down.

"Of course. I couldn't let you drown." He shrugged with a smile on his face.

"I'm Katelyn, by the way."

"I know who you are, Katie." He laughed. "You've been in several of my classes for the past 3 years. You're the super smart girl who also hates being the center of attention. Which is why you hide your talents."

"Oh...." I said my cheeks turning red. "Who..... Who says I have talents to hide?"

He gave me a knowing look before letting out a soft chuckle. "You get an A on every test you take. Any lesson anyone teaches you, clicks for you. You are the captain of the girls volleyball team and have been since your sophomore year. You are the TA for the hardest Environmental science class in the whole university. And, to add to the list, everyone loves you and wants to be your friend."

"Well what about you?" I teased.

"What about me?" He laughed.

I gave him my "you're kidding" look making him laugh. "Well, you also get very good grades. You are the star player on the school's soccer team. Every guy wants to be you. And every girl wants to be with you. Your athletic, smart, funny, pretty down to earth for a guy and if I'm being completely honest you aren't that hard to look at."

He cut me off. "That hard to look at? Did you just compliment me?"

"Out of everything else I said, that is what you got?" I couldn't help but laugh. After we laughed, a silence fell. It wasn't super uncomfortable but it wasn't relaxed either. To be honest, I had no idea what to say to him.

"Katie? Can I ask you something? It's kind of a weird..... Well it's not really a question. I guess it kind of is.... But it definitely is awkward. At least I think so. I really hope I don't freak you out because you know.... I...."

"Brenton," I reached over and took his hand in mine. "Ask away."

He didn't ask. He didn't say anything. He kissed me. After the shock wore off, I kissed him back.

We pulled away when neither one of us could breathe. "That definitely wasn't a question." I laughed.

"I've wanted to do that since the day I first saw you ." He said reaching up and cupping my cheek in his hand.

"So why didn't you?" I asked like it was a secret.

"I didn't think you noticed me. I was the quiet guy and you always had people around you- mostly guys. I didn't think I could compete with them." I pressed my lips to his to stop him from talking.

"You could've competed with them. Easily."

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