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As Oli stood behind me, my dress fell to the floor and he immediately looked at my fresh tattoo through the mirror. "Fuck that is so sexy." he said as he undid his pants. I heard them fall to the floor and he kissed my shoulder as he got himself ready. I wondered if I was going to get to see him and kiss him, or if we were back to no face-to-face contact, rough sex again. He touched me for a minute, then pushed himself into me and grabbed my hips as he started moving. "You might wanna hold onto that sink." he said in amusement. Oh God, I guess we were back to hardcore Oli again. He fucked me hard, like he used to, and even though we were missing the face-to-face aspect, the vanity mirror kind of solved that problem. He looked at me and watched what he was doing to me, but I couldn't hold his eye contact. On those nights when it was gentle and intimate, I could stare at him happily, but this time I felt kind of exposed. I held the edge of the sink like he'd suggested and even though he was being aggressive, it did feel good. Feeling his skin press against the backs of my thighs somehow turned me on, but I wished he'd touch me... it was the only way I would get off, but I didn't really want to have to request it. I wished he'd just do it like he had the past few times. After maybe ten minutes, he pulled out, and just a moment after watching his condom land in the sink in front of me, I felt him cum on my back. I don't know why he did that this time, but I didn't really care. I was totally unfulfilled and feeling kind of deflated. It was like the sweet, sensual Oli from the past couple of days had gone and I had the old Oli back, though it definitely wasn't as bad as the first time he was rough with me. "Sorry. I just really wanted to get all of my stress out before this interview." he said as he kissed my shoulder. "I'll make you feel good when I get back." he said, kissing my shoulder again. I wasn't exactly sure why he couldn't just do that right now, but I wasn't going to argue. I guess he was probably tired. "I promise." he said, making eye contact with me through the mirror. Maybe I had frustration on my face that I wasn't aware of... oops. 

After sorting myself out, Oli took a shower and I went and laid on the bed wondering what I was going to do with my afternoon while the guys were at their interview. Despite the fact that he'd just left me unfulfilled, I wanted to get Oli a little gift to say Thank you for everything he'd done. I know things hadn't always been perfect, and it's not like he wasn't getting anything out of me being there, but he didn't have to take me on their tour, or share his room, or let me sleep in his bunk on the bus... and he certainly didn't have to pay for me to get a tattoo! I started browsing around google maps; looking at what shops were in the city for ideas, though nothing really stood out. I'd just have to go for a walk, and maybe take a taxi to one of the malls outside of the city centre. In my searching, however, I did stumble upon something that made me excited - a sandwich shop... a Mr Pickles sandwich shop; the same as I'd found back in Indianapolis and was going to go to with Mat. It was midday and I was hungry, so I took a screenshot and sent it to Mat on instagram with a single word:


'😍😍😍 Fucking starving! Let's go' he replied almost immediately. I definitely wanted to, but now I felt awkward about if I was inviting Oli. I mean, I should do, but in a way, I kind of wanted to just go with Mat since it was this funny little thing between us. 

'We should probably invite the others?' I asked. 

'If you want' he replied. Ugh, that didn't help me. I decided to do the right thing and invite Oli, and I told Mat to invite the others.

"Hey, I'm going to go out and get some lunch, do you want to come? Or I can bring you back something if you want?" I asked Oli, who was sitting on the couch and didn't even look up from his phone to answer me. "Nah, I'll just order room service." he replied. 
"OK." I said as I pulled my shoes onto my feet and started lacing them. 
"Unless you don't want to go alone."  Oli said, still not looking up from his phone. It was actually nice that he would go with me even though he didn't want to just to keep me company. Little things like that were so nice.
"Oh, that's OK. Mat's coming." I replied. Oli suddenly lost focus on his phone and looked up at me. "We're going to that sandwich place called Mr Pickles." I explained as he just looked at me. His expression was so strange... it was almost like he was... jealous? "Are you sure you don't want to come and try it and take funny photos with us?" I asked. 
"I mean, it would probably be better than room service, but I'd just be a third wheel." he replied. What the hell? I was so confused. It really seemed like he was bothered by the idea of Mat and I going to lunch together and now he was making comments kind of talking himself down. I had no idea why. "Come on, you and Mat are best friends, clearly I would be the third wheel." I said, trying to make a joke out of the whole thing. 
"Nah, let's be honest, he'd be the third wheel." he laughed as he put his phone down. "Do you think he'll care if I come?" he asked. What on earth? Was Oli really so unsure and unconfident? I had never seen that side of him. "What? Of course he wont. He's inviting the others too." I replied. This side of Oli was so strange to me. Mat messaged and said the others weren't coming, so I guess it was just the 3 of us. This was going to be interesting.

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