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I decided that since Oli was with me, I needed to stop being paranoid about Jayce and get outside, so I offered to take Oli to see the Golden Gate bridge with Ivy. He had barely left my apartment since getting into town, so I wanted to at least do something with him - and fresh air would do everyone some good. I still had to be careful not to overdo it with my internal stitches, but walking leisurely was surely OK. I organised Ivy's pram then we jumped on a tram and headed to the Palace of Fine Arts; a beautiful garden with statues and fountains that I used to jog around in my free time. It was nice to be outside, walking in a place I used to love visiting and playing happy families with Oli. Part of me felt better knowing that other people saw us as a family rather than just seeing me as a pathetic, single Mother. In reality, nobody probably even thought that, but there was a deep fear inside me that everyone knew what I'd been through. I guess it was some sort of PTSD or something.

The Golden Gate bridge wasn't too far away, so I asked Oli if he was up for walking to the bridge and he nodded. Oli carried Ivy's pram down the stairs and walked next to me as I pushed her along the waterfront path. It was such a beautiful day and it wasn't too busy either, so we strolled peacefully until we got to the Warming Hut; a little cafe and gift shop not too far away from the bridge. "I might take a break if that's OK." I said knowing I should take it easy.
"Of course." he said. We found a shady spot on the grass and I pulled out a little blanket to lay Ivy on to give her a break from the pram. "I'm going to go find something to eat. Do you want something? Do you want food? What can I get you?" Oli asked as he looked at the cafe.
"I would love some water." I replied.
"Is that it? That's all you want? What about food? I'll bring back a menu..." he said as he wandered off. I laughed at him, he was trying to be helpful but I was honestly fine.



It had only occurred to me since arriving at the cafe that neither of us had eaten all morning. My stomach was grumbling, hence my dash for food, but Roses should have been hungry too, probably more so than me. I couldn't let her not eat anything...


"Here's your water, I got you some fruit too and here's a menu in case you want something else." he said as he placed it on the grass next to me then sat down. He seemed a little awkward but I appreciated the kindness, so I thanked him. Ivy was looking around, taking in the trees and people... it was obvious that she liked being outside and I smiled to myself as I threw a slice of apple from the fruit salad into my mouth. Oli pulled his phone from his pocket to take a photo of her, but then he hesitated and looked at me.
"Can I... take a photo of her?" he asked cautiously. I just furrowed my eyebrows at him and smiled.
"Of course you can, she's your Daughter too..." I said gently. He kind of laughed at himself like he was embarrassed. "Sorry, I just don't know what I'm doing, this is all so new and kind of hard to get my head around." he said awkwardly. I felt sorry for him, it must have been a lot for him to process.
"It's OK, just blame it on baby brain." I said with a smile as I ate another slice of apple. He automatically smiled, like really smiled; that type of smile you only make when you're happy. "I think only you're allowed to use that excuse." he replied, still smiling. At the perfect moment, Ivy made a loud noise as if she understood our conversation and was laughing with us... that or she wanted the attention back on her. She was such an attention seeker, lol, but she really was the cutest thing. Oli snapped his photo then grinned at her and leaned down to grab her feet and kiss them. She kicked him in the mouth and he grunted as if he was hurt, but he didn't seem to care, he just chuckled as she stared at him with her big eyes that looked exactly like his. I totally forgot about my fruit or about looking at the menu because I couldn't look away from them, it was like they were having a moment together as they just stared at each other. Ivy smiled at him for no apparent reason and my heart completely melted. "Did she just smile at me?!" Oli asked like it was the best thing he'd ever seen. I just smiled.
"She did. She likes you." I said after their sweet little moment.
"You think so?" he questioned as if that being true would make him so happy.
"Definitely." I replied. I hated how much my heart was enjoying every part of what had just happened. Moments like that made it so easy to imagine that we really were a perfect, happy family.

ROSES (Oli Sykes Fan Fiction) COMPLETEजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें