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When I woke up, I was not in familiar surroundings. 'What the hell?' I thought to myself. I didn't feel too bad, just kind of tired, but I completely freaked out when I saw the time and the missed calls and messages saying "Where are you?" from Cassidy. "Holy shit!" I said loudly as I threw myself out of the bed. It was 8:11am.
"What's going on?!" I heard come from the bathroom. It was definitely not Cassidy's voice, but a familiar one never-the-less. "Oli?" I questioned as I saw him emerge shirtless, clutching a towel around his waist. What in the FUCK was going on?! Why the FUCK was I in his hotel room?!??!! But also... was he always that fucking hot and muscular and... oh my God, not now, Willow! "I need to go!" I squealed as I ran around like an idiot looking for my shoes. "Here, here." Oli said as he grabbed them for me. 
"Shit! Shit! Shit!" I said out loud as I did them up, I didn't have time to worry about why the fuck Oli was half naked and I was in his bed. I was supposed to be at my parents airbnb at 8:30am to pick up Ivy and say goodbye so they could leave at 9am! "FUUUUUCK!!!!!" I squealed again. 
"What's going on? Is everything OK?" Oli asked, he seemed really concerned. 
"My parents are leaving at 9am! I told them I'd be there at 8:30 to say goodbye and pick up Ivy!!!!" I squealed. I felt the heaviness of my decisions last night weighing on me and I could feel the tears in my eyes. "Oh my God, I'm an irresponsible Mother." I cried.
"Hey, don't be silly! It was your Birthday, you just lost track of time and passed out, it's OK." he said, trying to reassure me. "I'm a complete mess, Oli! They're going to know I never went home last night! Oh my God! They're going to think I was... Ugggh!" I squealed. Oli almost smirked, but I saw the way he told himself not to and managed to suppress it. "Here, take my hoodie." he said without hesitation as he watched me in a complete panic. I took a deep breath and stopped to think for a second. "Sorry, I just, I should have been at home and had an alarm and... this isn't like me." I admitted. He just looked at me with sympathy. "I know, Willow, but it's only 8:13, so you have 17 minutes, it's the weekend so there wont be much traffic this early and I'm sure they won't mind you being 5 minutes late... you will be fine."
"And when they look at me like I've been with a boy all night and I'm doing a walk of shame?!" I questioned with raised eyebrows. He kind of chuckled. "Well, you can say you overslept at home, or just tell them the truth; that you were exhausted so you crashed at my hotel. We literally went straight to sleep and I slept on the couch anyway, so it's not like you're lying." he explained. God, since when was Oli Sykes such a good keeper of the peace, wrangler of my mania, guru of my sanity?
"You're right, but I really do need to go. I'll uh, I'll call you once they're gone and we can organise an Ivy date." I said. 
"Sure, no rush. I'll bring the presents to you later too." he said.
"Thank you." I replied.
"Ok, go! Go! I'll call reception and tell them to flag a taxi down for you now." he said. 

It was 8:18am when I got into the taxi, but Oli was right, the roads were quiet and it only took about 15 minutes back to where I lived anyway. I called my Mum and told her that I was running 5 minutes late but would be there soon, and she was as chilled as ever. "No worries dear." she said like she wouldn't have cared if I was an hour late... I then called Cass and told her I was on my way to my parents' place, followed by the details on how frantic I had been after waking up late - and in Oli's hotel room. She laughed and said she would bring me a pair of slip on shoes so my 'walk of shame' wasn't so obvious, and then I messaged Oli. I felt bad for how I'd completely flipped out and then just run off. 

"Thanks for not letting me implode this morning. You wouldn't believe it, my Mum was so chill when I rang her to tell her I'd be 5 mins late - after all that, I don't think she would have even cared if I was an hour late 🙄. I appreciate the help though - and thanks for letting my drunk ass crash there last night." I sent.

"Hahahaha, oh well, it was no problem. And no worries about last night at all. Let me know when you're ready and I can just come to yours to hang with Ivy if you want a chill afternoon nursing your hangover 😛" he replied.

He was so cheeky but I appreciated everything he did for me and now that I really thought about it, it was pretty amazing that he came to San Francisco early to surprise me on my Birthday. Thinking about everything that happened last night made me smile, and while I still didn't remember going with Oli to his hotel - or how the hell that actually happened, I remembered how good I had felt all night because of him and my friends. They really made me have a wonderful birthday.

When I pulled up outside the apartment block my parents were staying at, Cassidy was waiting with a pair of shoes and makeup wipes. What a fucking hero she was. I practically ran to her and hugged her before changing my shoes and haphazardly trying to wipe off all of my makeup.
"I have so many questions, but for the love of GOD Willow, please tell me that nothing happened last night with Oli..." she said. 
"Of course it didn't! Why would you even question that?!" I screeched. Seriously, how could she still think that I would be a homewrecker like that.
"Well you ditched us and you were trashed... and you ARE wearing his hoodie right now..." she said with raised eyebrows.
"He loaned it to me so it's not so obvious I didn't go home last night." I stated. She just rolled her eyes.

I went upstairs to find my Mum on the couch bouncing Ivy around and looking like the happiest Grandma ever. I have to admit that I loved that so much, seeing as my Grandmother meant so much to me. I hoped my Mum would be that for Ivy too; a source of unconditional love and support. I'm sure she would be. My parents asked how my Birthday dinner had been and asked what time I'd gotten home. Of course Cassidy shot me a sassy look, so I just said I couldn't even remember, but that I'd overslept this morning. I changed the topic by telling them about the beautiful gifts I'd received from my friends and how nice the venue was, and we chatted until we wrapped it all up at 9:15am. My parents got on the road back to Redmond and Cassidy and I headed back to our apartment with Ivy finally back in my arms. "Hello my beautiful little chipmunk." I said when she woke up and made a noise. God, she was adorable. I had missed her so much.

When we got home, I put Ivy in her cot and took a much needed shower. I felt gross from the night before, and I really wanted to get into more suitable, comfortable clothing. Cass wasn't working, so was in her baggy sweats, making us 'hangover breakfast' while I freshened up but I knew she was going to grill me as soon as I got back. I was right.

"So, what happened last night? Cassidy asked as soon as I had joined her back in the lounge.
"Nothing happened, I passed out in his room, you know, cus I was drunk?" I said with sass.
"You sound defensive." she said with raised eyebrows. I just rolled my eyes.
"He didn't sleep in the bed with you, did he?" she questioned.
"No, I was definitely on my own." I replied.
"Good. Because as much as I hate his stupid bitch of a girlfriend, it would still be really wrong for him to be cuddling up to you." she said as she cut a kiwifruit. His girlfriend... God I despised her. Yes, I will admit part of that was jealousy that she could acquire his love and I couldn't, but it was more that she had betrayed his trust. I hated that she had done that to him and left him with emotional scars that he obviously has trouble with, or at least used to.
"No, you know I would never cross that line - not with anyone, ever. We literally both just died - me from being drunk, him from being jetlagged." I laughed. I wanted to get off of this topic because, well, I didn't really like talking about it. It made me feel a little sad, a little jealous, a little like I'm not good enough all over again. "Do you mind if I invite Oli over? I had planned to see him later - since I thought he was arriving this afternoon, but I think he's dying to see Ivy and I'm feeling pretty lazy..." I said, hoping she wouldn't shudder at the idea of him visiting. 
"That's fine, I can be invisible." she said.
"What? Cass, I don't want you to be invisible." I stated.
"I know Willow and I am trying to be nicer to him, but I can't just forget how much he hurt you. I know I keep harping on about it but... you shouldn't forget it either." she said. God, not this again.
"You hugged him last night..." I said as I tried to contain a smile. She rolled her eyes at me.
"I was being polite." she said. I just smiled and stared at her while she frowned at me. "OK fine, I don't hate him, alright? I just don't like what he did to you, that's all." she finally said. She didn't say she liked him, but she did admit to not hating him and that was good enough for me.

ROSES (Oli Sykes Fan Fiction) COMPLETEHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin