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Once we'd arrived home, I went to sit beside Oli on the couch. He was just laying there on his phone and as I approached, I could see the real estate website open on the screen. He closed it as I joined him though, not that I was sure why.
"How was your brunch?" he asked as he put his phone down.
"It was so nice. I love being with you, but I can't deny I missed my girl time with Cass." I replied happily. "That's good. Did you eat already?" he asked.
"Yeah, just some naughty stuff. I bought some home for you too." I said as I kissed his cheek and handed him the coffee I'd brought back with me for him. 
"Aww, sweet baby." he said with a little smile before kissing my lips.
"Oh lord." Cassidy exclaimed as she obviously noticed us. "So now that you're official, I'm going to have to get used to the PDA's, aren't I?" she asked. Both Oli and I chuckled.
"I think she should be more concerned about what she might hear from our bedroom." I whispered so only Oli would hear me. He laughed out loud and I looked at Cassidy suspiciously. "What was that?" she asked.
"Oh nothing." I replied with a smile and a wink.

I didn't want to tell Oli about Cass's decision about us all moving in together yet, I wanted to wait until she had gone to work so Oli could process and potentially go a little house-crazy. I knew he was going to be ecstatic with our answer though and I was so excited to tell him. I was so happy to know that we'd all be together like some perfectly dysfunctional family. Once Cass had left for work I fetched the box of goodies I'd brought back from the cafe for Oli and then decided to unpack my bags, putting all of my gift items in the lounge. "Wow, you were such a tourist." he laughed as he saw all of the union-jack and London themed items on the coffee table. "You know, I'll take you back any time you want. Just say the word." he said as he sat up. "Maybe we can take Cassidy with us next time... as a Birthday gift or something." he suggested. I turned around and looked at him. "Are you serious?" I questioned.
"Yeah, of course. Didn't you say you had always planned to go with her?" he questioned. My heart was exploding. I didn't expect him to care about her in that kind of way, or to remember that she'd wanted to go too. "You're a bit sweet, aren't you?" I asked as I climbed onto his lap and put my arms around his neck. 
"Happy Cassidy equals happy Willow, which equals happy Oli." he replied with a smile.
"I know another way to make Oli happy." I said playfully. He just laughed before I kissed him. I felt comfortable being flirty and cheeky with Oli again and while I don't think my comment was directing us toward a full blown, lust-filled romp, Ivy started stirring so whatever fun we were going to have was cut short. I went to feed Ivy then brought her to Oli to burp her as I sorted myself out in the bedroom.



Damn it Ivy, why are you cockblocking Daddy!? 

Haha, nah, it's fine. How could I ever be mad at you? My little cutie pie.


When I returned to the lounge, Oli had put Ivy on her play mat and she was happily kicking her feet and trying to grab the dangling toys. "So..." I said as I climbed back onto Oli's lap and once again put my arms around his neck. "Where were we?" I asked. I wasn't going to try and re-ignited the sexual vibes because I wanted to talk to him about the big question and give him the good news, but it was still fun to be flirty. "Well, I was being nice to Cassidy and I think you were rewarding me." he replied with a stupid, cheeky smile.
"Mmm, that sounds about right. Buuuutttttt... I want to talk to you about something first." I said as I stared down into his eyes happily. "Were you looking at houses before?" I asked.
"Yeah, just browsing, don't worry." he replied. It was as though he thought I would be mad about it or something. "Are there any you want to show me?" I asked.
"You want to look?" he questioned. I just nodded.
"I spoke to Cass this morning and even though she said she's going to feel like a weird third-wheeling Aunt, she would be happy to move, so... if you'll still have us, I guess we want to move in with you." I told him with a smile. 
"Oh my God." he said in shock, suddenly sitting up off the back of the couch in surprise.
"Are you serious? You'll move in with me?" he questioned. I just nodded. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and pressed his face into my shoulder making this happy groaning noise as he did. I wrapped my arms around his head and stroked his hair and we just sat there embraced for a few moments. "Oh my god. You have made my day! I'm so fucking happy, you have no idea!" he said as he pulled his head back to look up at me. I just smiled and leaned down to kiss him. 

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