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Ivy was actually awake for some of the show this time around, and I held her facing outward so she could see the stage and the crowd. She didn't seem to like it very much though because she started crying and I had to give her back to Oli's mom to try and sooth her. I suppose it probably was quite a daunting view for a tiny pair of eyes, not understanding what it was. After about ten minutes she still hadn't settled, so Oli's mom said she'd take her backstage away from everything, and I decided to go with her. I didn't want to miss the show, but Ivy had to come first. Oli would understand.

Once backstage in normal lighting and the sounds of the show muffled by the walls, Ivy calmed down, but I stayed with her for a little while just rocking her until she fell back to sleep. "Go back out there. I can watch her." Oli's mom insisted once Ivy was under control.
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"I'm positive. Go!" she said. I was going to run straight back up to the balcony, but as I went to pass the stairs onto the stage, I decided to go up there. I always loved being at the side of the stage. Sure, I couldn't see the overall look of the show with it's projections and graphics, but I could see the guys, I could see Oli, and as music played, Jordan waved and yelled out that I could go onto the stage because the screens were going off for the next song. I wasn't sure, but why would he lie to me? He pointed to cables so I wouldn't trip over them and stop the show (OMG) and I stood at the back, hidden in the shadows. Oli was asking the crowd to get out their phones and turn on their lights, and as more and more people did it, it was like a sea of light. It was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen. I was pretty much right behind Oli, not that he knew I was there, and I watched him squat down and pick up a rose that was laying at the bottom of his microphone stand. I wasn't sure if it was one of the ones from the bouquet I'd given him, but my heart was thumping in my chest regardless. "This song's called Follow You" he said as the accompanying music began and his voice flooded the arena.

I'm sure by now you know that I cry a lot, at a lot of things, but that moment; the moment when Oli clutched a rose and sang that song with thousands of lights in front of him... I really cried. He had no idea I was behind him, that I had seemingly entered the stage right at the perfect moment. It was pure coincidence that I was on that stage with him as he sung that song with the symbol of our love in his hands... for a split second, I contemplated running to him and wrapping my arms around him, but he wasn't showy like that and neither was I. I also wouldn't want to jeopardise his career by making the fan girls leave seeing as I was sure girls that loved him were a large portion of their fan base... running up and throwing my arms around him was all I wanted to do though. I felt his heart in his words, his emotion, his honesty... I knew he was singing that song to me, even if it were originally written for someone else, and it made me feel wonderful. I took out my phone and took several photos, figuring that half of them would be blurry because of how emotional I was and I snuck off stage when the song ended. Jordan was just hanging out by his keyboard, waiting to play again and he smiled at me as I exited, clearly seeing how emotional I'd become. "That was for you." he said with a wink as I passed. I just nodded with a smile. I already knew. I stayed at the side of the stage for the next song then decided to head back up to the rest of the group.

We stayed up there for the rest of the show, singing along and dancing the best way you can to heavy metal music... I had such a great time, and I loved watching Oli on that stage so much. The way he commanded all of those people, how his voice echoed through all that space. He was amazing. I had always thought so, but in this particular arena and on this particular night, it was something else. I loved him so much, every version of him, but when he was on that stage, my God. He was so fucking sexy.

We all made our way down to the side of the stage for the last song, wanting to be there waiting when the guys came off stage. My heart was in my mouth and my adrenalin was soaring as I watched them break into 'Throne', the last song of the last show. Oli was just four minutes away from freedom and I was four minutes away from having him all to myself. Oli jumped into the crowd at the end of the song and I audibly gasped as I watched him run down the stage and launch into the air toward the crowd. In a moment of panic, I was terrified that people wouldn't catch him, but of course, they did. He climbed back onto the stage, stuck out his tongue and waved before thanking the crowd for coming out. It was over. The show was done. Oli was free. 

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