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Cassidy looked seriously uncomfortable, and I frowned at her in confusion - I had no idea what was going on. "Hey Roses." I heard as someone appeared at our bar table. I knew who it was the moment he opened his mouth because of his accent. It was Oli.
"Are you stalking me?" he asked with a laugh as I looked over at him. I should have lost my mind and not been able to get my words out, but for some reason, it was like the opposite thing happened... like some magical confident side of me emerged from nowhere.
"I'd say it's the other way around since we've been her for a while." I replied with a laugh, finally landing my eyes on Oli's after having let them travel up his tattooed arms to his face. Fucking hell he was so much more beautiful up close and he smelt really, really good. He just grinned at me and I felt like my body went completely numb. Thank God I'd put on lipstick and dressed in something kind of sexy.

Mat appeared beside him a moment later, and I grabbed Cassidy's hand under the table. This was all of those dreams and fantasies we'd talked about on our drive to Vegas, and now they were actually happening.
"Hey Mat," I said acknowledging him, since Cassidy was silent.
"Hey Roses." he replied with a cheeky smile. I couldn't believe he referred to me as Roses too.
"This is Cassidy." I said, since Cass had frozen up and wasn't saying anything. She had done what I thought I would have done in this situation; forgotten how to speak.
"What are you girls drinking?" Oli asked, beckoning toward my almost empty glass.
"Vodka, lime & soda." I replied. He grinned and walked off to the bar without saying a word. My heart was racing, and as I sat there looking at the back of him standing at the bar, it sunk in that Oli Sykes was buying me a drink. I almost started laughing because the whole thing was so unimaginable. I reminded myself to play it cool, but inside, it was utter chaos. Mat laughed about Cass' sign that said he should be president and she finally opened her mouth and said something to him. I squeezed her hand tightly, still out of view. She was always so outgoing and flirty with guys, so it was really weird to see her being so awkward.



Jesus. She's fucking hot... and she's cheeky, and holy hell... that little skirt is killing me... What a fucking tease.


Oli walked back to the table and placed two vodka, lime & sodas onto the table. "So what's with the roses?" he asked as he pushed one of the drinks toward me. I noticed his lips curl ever so slightly when he asked. He must have thought it was funny. I noticed Mat listening in too, obviously also interested to know what crazy reason I had for doing such a thing.
"I don't know." I replied, taking a sip of my new drink. "Just seemed like a fun idea at the time." I added with a shrug.
"Fair enough." he replied.
"Did you keep them?" I asked with a grin. His lips curled slightly again.
"Yeah." he replied, unable to stop himself from grinning. I guess maybe he realized how silly it was. I took another sip of my drink and tried to stay calm. God it was hard though. Everything about him was utterly gorgeous and he was right there.
"He's got them on the bus." Mat added, letting out a little chuckle like he thought it was funny.
"Well nobody's given me roses, plastic or otherwise before." Oli said almost in a slightly defensive, embarrassed way.
"Well if I'm being totally honest, I just thought maybe they'd make you notice me." I admitted with a cheeky smile without thinking. I held his gaze for a moment and I felt like his eyes were burning into mine, I was trying to flirt in a subtle way.
"Oh I noticed you." he said. I had to break the stare, it was way too intense and I felt myself going red at the comment. He was so fucking sexy.
"So are you girls staying here?" Mat asked randomly.
"No, we're staying next door." Cassidy replied.
"It's definitely not this nice." I added with a chuckle as Oli disappeared off to the bar once again.
"I don't want to be an annoying fan, but can I get a photo with you?" Cassidy asked Mat. I went tense as she asked. It was totally up to her, I just didn't want them to see us as crazy fans... I definitely wouldn't be asking Oli for a photo! Not yet anyway.
"Fucking right, of course." Mat replied in his thick, British accent. He almost sounded excited about it. I suggested I would take it for them, so grabbed my phone and watched as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders. I knew how happy she must have been in that moment.
"Ok, stop looking cute and give me some weird shit!" I laughed. I just pressed the button repeatedly as they pulled stupid faces and I laughed at them. Oli appeared in the background; photo-bombing them with his tongue out and his eyes rolled back in their sockets, and I laughed loudly.
"Come and get in here!" Mat said beckoning me over. I had insisting on not wanting to ask for photos and act like fans, but as if I was going to say no if he was asking me! I went in beside Cass and flipped the camera for selfies but it was my bad hand, so Mat took the phone from me and started snapping away. I was laughing and I hugged Cass before Oli appeared beside me and was now in the selfie too. He was pulling strange faces and looking goofy as hell, and he laughed as he moved out of shot and put more drinks on the table. I took the cue and moved back to my seat while Mat continued to take photos of himself on my phone. 

Oli pushed another vodka, lime & soda toward me and I raised my eyebrows at him.
"Are you trying to get me drunk?" I asked. He just smirked and took a sip of his beer.
"Maybe." he eventually answered. I felt my cheeks go warm. He made me so uncomfortable in the best way possible. Mat had now started pointing my phone at Oli and I so when I noticed, I stuck out my tongue. Oli quickly joined in and gave him the finger - I guess he was less into photos than Mat was.
"Stop being a cunt. Do a photo with your favourite fan!" Mat laughed, never taking his hand from the photo button. His favourite fan? What the hell did that mean? I felt immediately awkward that Oli was being forced into photos, but he put his arm around me; landing his hand firmly on my hip and pulling me close. I felt my heart racing as he touched me, he was so close... and just having contact with him made me giddy. I couldn't stop myself from smiling as I focused on the way he was holding onto me, then out of nowhere, he kissed my cheek. His shaggy hair brushed against my face and in that moment, I truly could have died. Cassidy's eyes went so wide and I could tell she was trying to stop herself from smiling. I laughed in some kind of weird shock and looked at him, then he suddenly pretended to stick his finger up my nose. What the hell?! I laughed so hard as I swatted his hand away, but I couldn't ignore the fact that he still had his arm around me and wasn't letting me go. Mat finally put my phone down, Oli let go of me and Cassidy excused herself to the bathroom. By then, I was 5 drinks deep and honestly feeling a bit tipsy... or maybe I was just delirious from physical contact with Oli Sykes.

"Hey Roses." I heard to my left. I looked over and realised Jordan; the band's keyboardist, had joined the table. It was so weird that they all referred to me as 'Roses', like they somehow knew about me... had there been some sort of talk about me? Maybe they'd just recognised me from the shows and coincidentally come up with the same nickname...
"How are you?" he asked, directing the question at me.
"I can't complain." I said with a shrug. "Though I'm pretty sure your friends here are trying to get me drunk." I added, laughing as I looked at Oli. Jordan chuckled and in that moment I realised I was surrounded by half of my favourite band, and I almost lost my cool. My phone buzzed and I quickly grabbed it. It was a message from Cass.

'Bathroom Now!'

I stood up and excused myself and headed for the women's bathroom. I felt their eyes on me as I walked away from the table, and I'm not sure if it was terror, excitement or a mix of things, but it felt ridiculous, like I would trip at any moment and wake up and realise I dreamed the entire thing.

As soon as I swung open the bathroom door, Cassidy grabbed me and squealed. I couldn't stop the gigantic smile from appearing on my face.
"Oh my goddddd!" I said, pulling her into the tightest hug.
"I can't fucking believe it!" she quipped.
"I know." I exhaled loudly.
"Oli fucking kissed you!" she squealed. I felt my face go red.
"He is SO fucking sexy." I cooed. He made me feel giddy. "Did you see the way he had his hand on my hip for those photos?" I asked dramatically.
"God I really wish Mat didn't have a girlfriend!" Cassidy sighed. "He's so fucking hot!" she said, pretending to faint. I just laughed at her dramatics.
"Seriously though Wills... you need to flirt more with Oli!" she said looking at me seriously. I just laughed.
"I'm serious. I swear to god, I think you have a chance!" she said squeezing my hands. "He's buying you drinks for a reason!" she squealed. "I think he's looking for a rebound... and from where I'm standing, it really seems like he's looking at you!!!" she added with wide eyes.
"Cass... I can't even think about that." I said. It would drive me insane if I thought about anything physical happening between me and Oli. Those things were just fantasies, not real life. I'd probably orgasm just at the thought.
"Please just go for it. Flirt your ass off!" she said. "What do you have to lose?!" she added with a laugh. I just laughed and rolled my eyes... I guess she was right. There was no way anything was going to happen though... I mean, it's not like he was just some random guy... he was Oli Sykes.



So finally the guys show up to help me pick up... Lol. Well, I'm probably going to need them - I can't fucking figure this girl out. She's mysterious as fuck and it only makes me want her more...

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