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We stood there for a while watching the sun set and it was such a perfect moment. I felt like Oli had swung the doors open metaphorically and he'd let me in so much deeper than he ever had before. I wish he knew how happy that made me, how all I wanted to do was wrap my arms around his heart, cherish it and never let it be hurt again... that I would do anything to make him feel good about himself.
"I wish I had you for more than a week." Oli said suddenly yet quietly as he stroked my arm.
"Well, you know where I am. You can have me whenever you want." I replied softly, giving him all of myself in a way... like I was telling him that I wasn't going anywhere. He kissed me delicately and lovingly then went back to rubbing my arm. "When do you go back to Uni?" he asked, still speaking so softly.
"A week after I get home. Until early December." I replied. I wondered if he was asking because he wanted to know when I was going to be free again. "What do you usually do for Christmas?" he then asked. I felt excited, like maybe he was going to ask me if I wanted to spend it with him or something, but I tried not to get too ahead of myself. Maybe he was just making conversation. "It depends. Cassidy and I usually just have a little gathering with our friends, sometimes I go see my parents but they live 9 hours away so I doubt I'll go this year." I replied. I loved it when he asked about my life and he wanted to know more about me. "Why do you ask?" I questioned hopefully.
"Maybe I should come visit you." he said. My heart started racing when I heard his words. "I doubt I'll be doing anything and Sheffield is fucking awful in Winter." he said with a chuckle.
"Of course you can come and visit me." I said as I smiled up at him. I was playing it cool but inside I was screaming and my heart was about to explode. I wanted to beg him to come. "I could take you over to Alcatraz, we could hike Point Bonita then I could take you to my favourite restaurant ever. It's not fancy but it's the best vego food you'll ever eat. We could even drive down to Malibu if you had time!" I said, making plans in my head. The idea of doing things with Oli in my home town made me so excited. The fact that he even wanted to come and visit me... it was like the biggest sign I'd ever gotten that he wanted something more... that he wanted me for more than just an extended one-night stand.
"What about Yosemite, so I can protect you from bears?" he chuckled. God he was so cute. I couldn't believe he even remembered saying that all those weeks ago and I giggled like a school girl. "Well most of it's closed in Winter because it's slippery and dangerous but there's other places with bears if you really want to face one." I replied in amusement. He squeezed me as he chuckled and I pushed my face back into him. God, I hoped he was serious about visiting me, I couldn't imagine anything better than having Oli in San Francisco.



Lol... you're starting to slip. Hold it together dude.

Sheffield is absolute shit in Winter though... I'd rather be in California, lol. 


We headed over to the restaurant to meet the guys for our last dinner in Acapulco and it was sad in a way. I felt like the resort had brought out a softer side to Oli; a side that was more relaxed, carefree, open... he was a totally different person to what he was when he was on tour, especially this afternoon. I couldn't be more in love with him after seeing him be so vulnerable and honest with me. As much as I loved that sexy, cheeky, rock star side of him, the sweet, fragile side that he hid away made him even more lovable. He practically made my heart explode. While Oli was in deep conversation with the others over dinner, I took a moment to sneak a message to Cass. I was going to keep it short, but I had to tell her that Oli had mentioned visiting over Christmas. I had to tell someone or I might explode with excitement!

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