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It was only 11pm and I'd only been home for about an hour but my eyes were already starting to feel heavy, and while I really wanted to stay awake to see how things had gone between Cass and Brian, I couldn't keep myself awake any longer. It was almost midnight so I headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and while I was there, my phone buzzed against the bed back in the room. I hoped it would be Cassidy telling me she was on her way back so I could force myself to stay awake for another half an hour so I could hear the gossip, but when I picked up my phone it was Oli, asking if I was still awake.

"Are you awake?" he asked.

"Barely, but yes 😅" I replied.

Literally 2 minutes later there was a knock at my door and when I looked through the peep-hole on the door, Oli was standing there. What on earth was he doing there?



She answered the door in pyjamas and socks, her hair in a messy bun, her face completely free of makeup... It's funny how last night I thought she looked more beautiful than I'd ever seen her, but right now she looked just as perfect. 

She was still more gorgeous than any girl in that bar I'd been to just now. She was more gorgeous than any girl in any bar anywhere. I would choose her every fucking time over anyone whether she was in a dress, or pyjamas or even in a burlap sack. She was perfect to me.


"What are you doing back so early?" I questioned as I looked at Oli standing at my door.
"The party was shit." he replied hastily.
"I'm sure it wasn't shit at all..." I said with furrowed brows.
"It was. People were annoying me... and I felt guilty that you were here on your own." he said. I just rolled my eyes at him. God, he worried way too much sometimes.
"Well come in then, or you'll just be on your own as well." I said with a chuckle. God he was so silly.

Oli walked in and pulled off his shoes then sat on my bed and leaned against the headboard, making himself as comfortable as if it were his own room, not that I minded. I guess it was nice that he was that comfortable around me.
"So how was Cassidy, was she flirting up a storm with Brian?" I asked as I climbed onto the bed, back into the position I was in before I went to brush my teeth. Oli chuckled as he shuffled down a little and laid next to me without a second thought.
"Something like that." he replied.
"I wonder if she'll even come back here... she'll probably go to his room." I laughed.
"Surely she'll be back, he's with us all week so there's no rush." he replied. I laughed, loudly.
"You clearly don't know Cassidy." I quipped.
"Are you calling your friend a slut?!" Oli laughed as he looked over at me and frowned.
"No, of course not, but she doesn't like taking things slow. I really wish she'd look for something more than just hook ups." I replied. "How about the guys, were they trashed when you left?" I asked. Oli rolled over so he was facing me and kind of scrunched up his face.
"Nah, well Matt and Tilly were wasted, but the others were OK. I think we'll be drinking more once we're at the beach house and can just chill in our own space and sit around chatting and stuff." he replied. "I can't wait to get there tomorrow." he said.
"It's going to be amazing. You know, we stayed at a beach house last year for my birthday but it wasn't right on the beach. It was like this hippy kind of vibe, I mean it was cool, but I'm sure your one will be nicer." I laughed.
"I'll make sure I get you the best bedroom." Oli winked.
"Don't be silly, Ivy and I are the freeloaders, we'll take whatever's left." I replied. He just laughed and rolled his eyes at me. I realised how Oli and I were laying there together just next to each other so comfortably, without any awkwardness, just chatting effortlessly. It was really nice that he was there with me when he should have been out having fun. I wasn't lonely being there on my own, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it better now that he was with me.

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