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My last free weekend before exams was a huge one. I was going to see Maroon 5 in concert on Friday with Cassidy and another friend, then backing it up with a Fall Out Boy show on Saturday night. Cassidy had to work, so I'd convinced someone else to come with me to Fall Out Boy. Obviously I wish Cass was coming, but I had pit tickets so I was looking forward to it even more than Maroon 5. I hadn't been in a mosh pit or even to a concert since the Bring Me The Horizon tour a couple of months ago, but I wasn't going to queue to be on barrier this time. I guess I just didn't feel the same desire to be close to Patrick Stump as I did to Oli Sykes.

As we waited for the Maroon 5 show to start on Friday, I posted a photo to my story and after their support act finished I got to sing along and dance in my seat for the rest of the night. Adam Levine was undoubtedly sexy; my friends said it about 200 times, but even with his shirt off and tattoos on display, I still didn't think he had anything on Oli, lol. Being at the Maroon 5 show made me think about all of the Bring Me The Horizon shows I'd been to... all of those times Oli had taken that stupid plastic rose from me on the barrier or sang right in front of me. It naturally made me reminisce about everything that happened after and between their shows too and the lyrics in my favourite Maroon 5 song; 'One More Night' felt particularly on point as I sung along to them thinking about Oli. It was funny how many of their songs I could find relatable to my situation with him to be honest.

When the show ended, we jumped on a tram and headed back into the city for a couple of drinks. We got straight in and ordered drinks and once we were seated, I looked at my phone and noticed a message sitting in my DM's. I didn't really even consider that it might be from Oli since he hadn't messaged me in over a month, so I was pretty surprised when it was. He'd replied to my story; the photo of my friends and I before the Maroon 5 show started, saying that Bring Me The Horizon were better.

I laughed

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

I laughed. I mean, I agreed with him, but it was like he was low-key jealous or something. His message came completely out of the blue and it was crazy that the first time I heard from him in weeks, after the night he 'enjoyed our conversation', was when I'd been to someone else's concert. Why was he looking at my story when he was on tour anyway? 

I thought I was over the whole Oli thing... that I'd put it behind me and that I didn't crave his attention anymore, but I got butterflies when I saw his message like I always had. I guess I wasn't as over him as I thought I was. I couldn't resist replying right then and there, even though Cassidy told me to put my phone down and stop being anti-social. "I'm just uploading a couple of photos!" I said, telling a little white lie so I could reply to Oli.

"Well yeah, obviously, but you're not here.... 😋" I replied.

I saw the typing dots pop up almost straight away and it made my heart race. So much for being over him...

"I fucking wish I was. How was the show anyway?" he asked.

The way he said he wished he was here made me wonder if he was being sexual again. Was he going to try and steer the conversation the way it went the last time I spoke to him... would he really be looking for that again? Especially when he was on tour and no doubt being a whore. I wasn't going to entertain dirty talk when I was at a bar anyway, but I couldn't help but flatter him and stroke his ego a little. I was pathetic.

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