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"I'm glad everything worked out."

"It could've went smoother," currently Neum and I were sitting outside of Besali in the trees scouring the crowd. After healing his wife the other day I became his benefactor in a way causing his mood to change ever so slightly. We established a stable pact between the two kingdoms. All in all he still doesn't trust me but it doesn't matter because this has put me one step closer to my goal.

"So what the hell are we searching for?"

"Remember the guys I told you about? The Darma clan?"

"Yea what about them?"

"Well there should still be two more. Travel has been limited in and out of the city recently but everything is freed up right now because traders are being allowed entry again."

"So wouldn't this be the worst time," pointing at the gate there were even more guards then normal,"security has been bolstered there's no way in hell they're getting out. How are you even sure that these bastards are still here? Or that there were even four of them left?"

"Because they summoned an arch devil. There's no way in hell two people summoned that."

"Fair enough," surveying the large group of people Neum tapped my shoulder. Pointing over at a large carriage I just looked at him confused,"That carriage just came in. I don't know about you but I don't think they move that fast."

"Look I'm not saying that's wrong or anything but I'm sure carriages look the same," hopping through the trees Neum started to follow it. Rolling my eyes my body got up and started following him. Tailing the carriage they made there way slowly down the road until no one else was in sight. Coming to a stop in the road Neum and I both stopped in the trees above. After a few seconds two men in cloaks came out of the back.

"Our lord will remember this service," bowing to the driver he just smiled back.

"Your "lord" has done more then the gods ever have. Tell him thank you, because of him. I got a little bit of joy for my son."

"Your son?"

"He was a brilliant young adventurer. Begami saw his wife and challenged him just like he did that dragon kin. Unlike the dragon kin though, my son wasn't strong enough to win. He couldn't handle the loss of his wife and killed himself."

"Couldn't he have refused?"

"Begami did it in a way where he couldn't decline the duel."

"Damn, that's pretty sad," peaking over at Neum there was pity on his face.

"He should've been stronger," flipping out of the trees landing on the ground with a thump caused them all to jump.

"We were followed?"

"Doesn't matter it's just one take him out," as one of them dashed at me the other realized who I was.


"What," cloaking my hand in darkness magic it became a blade. Shoving it into the mans chest blood shot out of his mouth. Yanking my hand free he staggered back before coughing more blood while falling over. Taking a step toward the other his foot started to slide back. Falling into the shadows I placed and arm around him.

"I'm feeling generous."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll let you go, if you kill him."

"W-what,"mischievously smiling at him I gave the man a push.

"What? You helped make a beast who decimated an entire kingdom. What's one more person mean to you," summoning forth a sword slightly pushing it into his hands he trembled,"You kill him. You're free."

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