Start of the Voyage

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"You know, I've met a lot of crazy women but you've gotta be the craziest," ducking below her kick a rush a wind blew overhead.

"I've met a lot of men but I don't think I've ever met one that's held back so much," sliding away from each other I just grinned.

"It's funny you think that I'm holding back."

"Don't bullshit me like you aren't."

"Fine, I'll humor you. I'm actually curious too seeing as I haven't fully let my power out in a while," squeezing my hands I forced energy out. Slowly my scales grew thicker and excreted more energy. The sound of my wings sliding out of my back filled my ears as black electricity shot around me. Taking a deep breath I peered at my hands while opening and closing them.

"Wow, you're so much stronger than I'd thought you be."

"So you're going to stop now right?"

"Of course not! This is what I wanted," charging at me her eyes went wide as she skidded to a stop. Together we looked towards the south.

"Seems like he's here."

"Just when things were getting fun," crossing her arms she pouted,"Well I guess I'll see you soon, Marcel~," swinging my hand a cage of lightening darted at her. Before it hit she vanished.

"Teleportation, I could track her but whatever," gazing over to Vlas he was still face down and stuck under the pressure of the wind. Lowering my power and placing my limiter back on I sat down.

'My lord we lost the magic source.'

'It got away? That's an issue but it's fine. Stay on your toes and go after it immediately if you sense it again.'

'Understood.' After about five minutes feet could be heard behind me.

"Marcel, did you get him," Ida came into the room followed by the guild master and some of his guards.

"Yea, he's incapacitated over there," all of them looked up to see Vlas glued to the floor.

"Were there any others," Qasim walked over to Vlas.

"Yea a bald guy stuck in the wall over there."

"Anyone else?"

"I'm sure I would've spoke up if there was," Qasim turned and glared at me,"I don't like you either but I did what you asked. Now if you'll excuse us."

"Before you go would you happen to know why there was a huge column of fire and brimstone leveling the docks?"

"Not at all,"exiting the room Ida followed behind me. Re-walking back through the breeding chamber I had to keep my eyes straight ahead.

"After seeing that the first time I'm glad you kept it together."

"The talk earlier calmed me down. I really don't know what's going on with me."

"You're thinking to hard darling," as Ida and I reached the hole we used to enter Iris hugged me.

"Maybe I am. Let's go get something to eat and then go to sleep. Today was tiring," slowly I turned around to walk away but stopped in my tracks.

"What's the matter?"


'Qasim didn't bring up the kid but I'm sure he knows. What do you think?'

{I can't give you an answer to that right now. There are to many variables.}

'Fair enough.'

* * *

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